I would like links to 15 news ( blog/newspaper/magazine) stories that
have been published over the last 2 years regarding the withholding or
non-paymnent of insurance claims by the Desjardings ( correct
spelling needed) group , http://www.desjardins.com/en/, a Quebec,
Canada based insurance and financial company. Stories of fire victims
in Quebec would be especially relevant. The stories can be in english
or french. |
Clarification of Question by
29 Sep 2004 06:04 PDT
I will need an answer by OCTOBER 5, 2004.
Request for Question Clarification by
30 Sep 2004 07:17 PDT
I've been looking into this question the past few days, and I'd like
to clarify what you need.
You asked for **links** to 15 or more stories.
While I may be able to find 15 relevant articles (in newspapers,
magazines, etc) not all of them are viewable (linkable) on the web.
Much of the relevant material is only available through commercial
search databases like Lexis-Nexis and Proquest (or at your local
If I can inlude the citations for these articles -- along with brief
excerpts from them about Desjardins -- then I may be able to answer
your question.
However, if you want an answer that only has articles that you can
link to directly, I'm not sure a researcher will be able to fulfill
this request.
Please let me know how (or if) you would like me to proceed on this.
Clarification of Question by
30 Sep 2004 08:44 PDT
Yes, we will take references. We are looking to find out if alleged
"abuse" by Desjardins specifically pertaining to insured home owner -
"fire victims" is widespread. Any information relating to this will
be useful.
Request for Question Clarification by
30 Sep 2004 14:33 PDT
Hello again,
I'm finding very little information of any kind on Desjardins, which
is surprising for such a sizable and well-established company (I don't
read French, however, which may limit my search results somewhat).
I haven't found anything of significance having to do with fires and
homeowner complaints.
Can you tell me a little more background on all this? What have you
heard regarding any abuses, and more to the point, where have you come
across this information? What leads you to beleive there's an issue
Desjardins is a large company, and is certainly involved in numerous
lawsuits, but again, I haven't seen anything yet pertaining to fires.
Let me know what you think.