You have narrowed the enquiry to the USA. Would you care to limit to a
denomination, or perhaps exclude some atypical denominations, such as
Romen Catholic, Greek Orthadox, Russian Orthadox, Mormon, Rocecution,
Seventh-day Adventests, Branch Dividians of Waco Texas, Omish,
Universalists, Rael, Jehovah Witnesses, Spiritualist, Vodo, Christian
Scientist etc?
Mormons = The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints tyically
devote a large room in each chapel to library, which is used by 1% of
the membership each week. There are on line library resources.
www.Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day also used by 1% of
the membership weekly. Some of this site is much like a library. Each
large city has a geneological library where a few hundred members and
perhaps as many non-members do geneological research weekly via direct
computer connection to the world class geneological library in Utah. is another Mormon sort of library. I suspect that
there are many others. I can't help at all on other denominations.
Neil |