Clarification of Question by
30 Sep 2004 10:36 PDT
Thanks for the interest in my problem. Here's more info:
This 1 table consists of about 40 columns. Most of the data is
integers which represent a flag or some status code. There are a
couple important data fields that are text's.
When we insert a new row, we usually update it a couple seconds later
based on an action we need to do to it. When we update it, it's only a
flag or 2 that we are updating. After that 1 update, it usually stays
pretty static. However, before we insert the entry, we run a select
statement to check the whole table to see if it already exists. That
eats up some time and resources I know.
We use an autoincrement field for the primary key. I am aware of the
limitations caused my a merge table on this value and plan to account
for it in code.
Table statistics:
Rows 2,327,686
Row length 1,318
Row size 1,472 Bytes
Data 2,927 MB
Index 349,360 KB
Total 3,269 MB
I would estimate we get about 5000 new entries per day.
We are willing to upgrade anything - if 4.x will help us somehow, we'll do it.
Thank you so much!