Which of the US North-East coast states offers the easiest
accreditation or licensing for a private vocational school?
I want a US state to license my UK-based distance education school.
Some US states (for example Pennsylvania ? see
http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/022/chapter73/chap73toc.html ) have
very rigorous entry requirements.
Others seem to have no registration, such as Florida ? see
A state that lacks licensing facilities is unlikely to suit our needs.
We need to increase our credibility with potential students by
acquiring recognised credentials.
I?m not currently looking to get access to government funding (for
veterans etc), nor looking for transferable credit facilities to other
colleges. Just the simplest form of accreditation would do.
About us
We provide Diploma courses in fields such as interior design,
landscape design and event planning. We don?t offer degree courses.
In the US, similar organizations are PCDI (http://www.pcdi.edu/) and
Education Direct (http://www.educationdirect.com/), though we?re much
smaller than them.
We don?t have physical school premises in the US. But we will have an
enrolment office in the chosen state. We don?t educate young people
(no K-12 etc) ? only adults.
The UK has no state requirements or even facilities for getting
licensed as a private career school.
We have looked at DETC accreditation (http://www.detc.org/), but this
is not our prime focus at present. Apart from other considerations, we
need to be licensed in the state of residence before we can seek DETC
I?m looking at Eastern seaboard states (being more accessible from the
UK). These run from Maine to North Carolina.
Failing this, we?d consider any other US state, preferably accessible from the UK.
As stated in the question, I?m aiming to get licensed with a US state,
to demonstrate our bona fides. We will then locate an office in that
I?d like to be able to say on our website: ?Licensed by the State of
XYZ? (or whatever terminology is appropriate).
Possible methodology
You could inquire at each of the states? Departments of Education as
to their requirements.
See http://www.consumer-action.org/English/library/frauds_scams/2002_VocationalSchool/index.php
A good answer might be:
- The easiest Eastern state in which to register is ?. because?
- This is what you have to do to get licensed?
- Other states with less rigorous licensing requirements are: ...
- The most rigorous states are: ...
- The following states do not currently require private schools to
obtain licensing....
Alternatively, you might find that all schools in these states have
similar requirements and standards. In which case you might recommend
other states (for example in the Mid West)
A bad answer would comprise just lists of states? requirements, which
I?d have to sift through, or URLs for State Boards of Education. I?d
like an answer that tells me which state I should apply to.
Useful information
New Jersey (example of a state department of education):
http://www.state.nj.us/njded/voc/privoc/ |