The following interface (I am defining the signatures only, you do the
body) may be used to work with an smtp server:
public interface smtpClient {
public String smtpClient (String machineName, int portNumber);
public String login (String userName, String password);
public void logout ();
public String senderAndReceiver (String sender, String receiver);
public String messageBodyPrefix (String message);
public String messageSuffix (String message); }
1)Implement the above class. Write a clientDriver which is invoked at machine X.
2) clientDriver instantiates an object that implements smtpClient by
dynamically downloading the class, smtpClient, from a remote machine
3) Call various methods, as above to send an email message through the server.
4) server messages should be printed in the window of clientDriver.
5) clientDriver is invoked as:
java clientDriver
urlForSmtpClient smtpServerMachine smtpServePort
... otherCommandLineArguments
NOTE: Use for smtp server (port number 25)
Create a readme2 file. Run the program for a variety of inputs.
Hand-in readme file, program listing, input and output snapshots |