Hello lamberso~
Here are a number of articles about the effect a bipolar parent may
have upon his or her children; some are scientific, others are
directed to the "consumer market:"
* ?Children of Parents with Bipolar Disorder at High Risk for Mood
Disorders,? at Doctor?s Guide: http://www.pslgroup.com/dg/24414e.htm
* ?Stressful Events Increase Mood Disorders in Children of Bipolar
Parents? at Patient Health International:
* ?Children of Bipolar Parents? at Lucile Packard Children?s Hospital:
* ?Academic and Cognitive Abilities in Children of Parents With
Bipolar Disorder? at Journal of Clinical and Experimental
Neuropsychology: http://www.szp.swets.nl/szp/journals/jc243280.htm
* ?Psychiatric Symptoms and Syndromes Among Adolescent Children of
Parents With Lithium-Responsive or Lithium-Nonresponsive Bipolar
Disorder? at American Journal of Psychiatry:
* ?Attention and memory biases in the offspring of parents with
bipolar disorder: indications from a pilot study? at Blackwell:
* ?Stressful events predict mood disorders in children of bipolar
parents? at Psychiatry Matters:
* ?Children of Bipolar Parents May Exhibit Early Signs of Depression?
found, for a limited time, in this Google cache:
* ?Children may exhibit early signs of manic depression? at Health
Central: http://www.healthcentral.com/news/newsfulltext.cfm?ID=43716&src=n85
* ?Offspring Studies Seek Early Markers? in this PDF file:
* ?Prevalence of Subsyndromal Symptoms in the Children of Bipolar
Parents and Associated Psychological Functioning? at The University of
Manchester: http://www.clinical-psychology.man.ac.uk/researchprojects/bipolar.asp
Some of these articles have repetitive information, but may have
kernels that other articles do not. Unfortunately, there isn?t a great
deal of information out there, although a number of studies are
currently being done to look at the effects bipolar parents may have
on their children.
You may also wish to check out the website ?Children of Bipolar
Parents? ( http://cbp.coolfreepages.com/ ), which includes articles,
tips, and a forum.
Also, take a look the book ?Sometimes My Mommy Gets Angry? (see the
epinions listing at http://www.epinions.com/content_149231079044 , and
the Amazon listing at
Kind regards,
"parents with bipolar"
"children of bipolar parents"
://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22children+of+bipolar+parents%22&btnG=Search |