I suggest purchasing a Dell Axim x30 PDA. It is probably the best
valued PDA available. Check out this CNET review of it at:
It is the fifth best review by the editors and while they say it sells
for $349, you can actually buy it from the dell website -
- for 199$.
This PDA will do everything you want it to. It includes wireless
internet and Pocket PC 2003, which has the ability to run email and
comes with msn messenger. The backlight is pretty bright and it is
fairly standard sized for PDAs. The processor is fast enough for you
to not notice anything slow and the screen is sharp. You can buy some
extra memory and turn your PDA into a mp3 player or you can just use
it to satisfy your internet and typing needs.
As far as typing is concerned, I highly suggest purchasing a
portable full-sized keyboard for this device. One such as this -
http://www.geek.com/hwswrev/wince/dellbtkb/ - would more than satisfy
what you require. And although it is kind of steep (if you search
hard enough you can find one for under 100), it is worth it. Whether
you are at a meeting or are in a classroom trying to take notes on a
lecture this keyboard will turn your PDA into a very portable
computer, without losing the efficiency of keyboard typing. And if
you do not wish to purchase the keyboard there is always the standard
palm/stylus writing that will get the job done (although not nearly as
I purchased the sony clie ux-50 PDA and my friend purchased the
Dell. Although the Sony Clie has a better review, more features and
is faster, I really do not think it is worth the price. From what I
can see you're looking for a PDA with a good value, that satisfies
your needs and from that I suggest the Dell Axim X30. My friend has
had no problems with it and throughly enjoys the benefits of a
portable full-sized keyboard.
Hope this helps. |