We are a India based Web Publishing company dealing in
Typesetting,XML/SGML conversion,Quark, Graphic Design, Stylesheets,
DTD's and so on. Currently we are working for a mediator company and
are working indirectly for most prestigious publishers around the
Globe like H.W.Wilson,Wiley,Vital Books,Mcgraw hill and University
like University of California, University of Michigan, Cambridge
University and many others, but yes we are not working for these
prestigious clients directly, while we do all work for them despite of
that all profits are picked up by Mediator comapny, my question is
1. How can i find the person who can market for us in US and UK or any
type of company dealing in this, for persons we can give salary and
commission and for company we can share profits.
2. How can we by sitting in India publish ads in UK and US newspapers
either online.
Well price for the question is not all, I offer a tip of $100 if the
answer is a real satisfactory one. Thanks |