Thanks for getting back to me on this.
The trickiest part of your question, I think, is finding the right
websites on which to do research, since the relevant records can be
collected at the city, county or state levels, or even be available
through private sources.
A good starting part is the property sales page maintained by the Chicago Trib:
Closing prices of Chicago-area homes
This database allows you to see recent property sales by neighborhod,
and you can then scan the list for sales to LLC's.
For instance, entering "Loop" in the "select a community" box, and
clicking on "search" will return 220 listings.
One of the options on the results page is to "Re-sort results by:
Price | Date Sold". Clicking on the "DateSold" option will resort the
list with the most recent sales first.
Finally, using Ctrl-F to search each page for [ LLC ] turns up several
potential listings:
560 W Lake St, Near West Side, 60661
$1,125,000 08/20/2004, to Lss Pc Building Llc, from Americaunited
Bank & Trust Co
1606 S Halsted St, Near West Side, 60608
$1,215,000 08/06/2004, to 16th & Halsted Llc, from Mb Financial Bank Na Trustee
1101 W Lake St, Near West Side, 60607
$750,000 08/05/2004, to 1101 W Lake 5th Floor Llc, from 1101 West Lake Llc
622 W Randolph St, Near West Side, 60661
$250,000 08/05/2004, to Esag Group Llc, from Lasalle Bank Na Trustee
So, to recap, there were recent sales in the West Loop to:
LSS PC Building LLC
16th & Halsted LLC
W Lake 5th Floor LLC
Esag Group LLC
I hope that list will help to get you to the ultimate information you're seeking.
A few places you might want to check out for some additional information are:
CyberDrive Illinois
Corporation/LLC Search
At this site run by the Secretary of State's Office, you can search
for information on LLC's in Illinois. For instance, a search on: [
Esag ] turns up information on the Esag Group LLC, including their
official file number, the date they filed with the state, the agent
serving as their representative, and a few other bits and pieces of
Another site worth knowing about is also a Chicago Tribune site search
site for properties for sale:
Here, you can enter features like neighborhood, number of bedrooms,
fireplace, etc. and at least return a list of properties that have
the types of units you're looking for (and the photos will help you
distinguish brand new never-before-been-owned buildings from older
I hope these websites will be enough to get the ball rolling, and I
wish you luck in the hunt!
search strategy: Used bookmarked sites for property listings. |