Dear nobleresearcher-ga,
I think you're looking for the Anime Music Video of "Suteki Da Ne"
from the "Final Fantasy X" Video Game.
jackburton-ga has actually managed the located the correct webpage.
However, the download links mentioned on the page don't work.
My advise for you would be to not look for a HyperLink which will lead
you to the download of the video you are looking for. I could come
across a few download links during my search for the above video clip
in Video Search Engines such as Singingfish, AltaVista and AllTheWeb.
However, sites that offer video clips for free download are seldom
reliable. A link that may work one day may inexplicably stop working
the next day. The file sizes of typical 5 minute Videos can run into
several 100 MegaBytes and the servers of these video sites are too
slow to be reliable.
Therefore, you should try and locate this file on Peer-to-Peer (P2P)
file sharing networks such as Kazaa. As I type this comment, I can see
six results in a search on iMesh P2P Client that allow me to download
the video in question. Unfortunately, one cannot copy-paste or write
the "link" of a P2P download. Therefore, you're gonna have to do it
yourself. If you need assistance in downloading, installing,
signing-up or using a P2P client, do let me know.
Thanks and regards,
bestsearcher-ga |