I have a dog with kidney disease and it is not customary to give
subcutaneous fluids in this country. I would like to convince my vet
of the benefits, and need studies or reports from respected sources,
such as universities or canine kidney specialists, who support
providing subcutaneous fluids as an important part of a home treatment
plan for dogs. The information should give clear and concise details
of the benefits of this form of treatment, how well the animals (and
owners) cope with it, increased life-expectancy of dogs, etc., and be
of a standard which a sceptical vet could take on board. Information
of a similar standard which does not support subq fluids is also
appreciated. I do not want basic information from ordinary vets which
is aimed at pet owners, such as how to give fluids, and nor do I want
information from members of the public about their own experiences
with their own pets. Thanks in advance.
Jane |