The most likely explanation as to why you were experiencing the
problem, is that the applet (a small program) that Multimap uses to
display the maps in your Internet Explorer was not able to be loaded
(perhaps due to your security settings) as long as the map was being
generated and displayed in response to a request embedded on a
different site (such as the pub guide sites). By going directly to
Multimap's own website, you were able to load the applet (or rather,
your browser was able to automatically request the applet) since the
applet was being provided by the very site you were visiting. Once the
applet had been loaded, you were then able to use the map links on the
other sites without needing to reload the applet.
It may be necessary for you to revisit Multimap.com periodically in
the future if you run into the same problem; this can happen if the
applet has a self-expiry date after which it needs to be reloaded, or
if the applet automatically checks for a newer version of itself each
time it tries to run.
Another mapping service used by the pub guide sites you mentioned is
http://www.streetmaps.co.uk ; again, I recommend that you visit their
site directly and make use of their mapping service (perhaps to locate
Downing St. in London, for example) to ensure that any necessary
applets are downloaded.
As well, please do not overlook my mention earlier of using Windows
Update to ensure that you have all of the latest patches installed for
your Internet Explorer. You can access Windows Update by either using
the link in your browser ( Tools> Windows Update ) or by going
directly to http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com .
Problems such as this are often hard to conclusively troubleshoot, as
sometimes they can disappear with something as simple as a reboot, or
as complex as having to change your security settings. In this
particular case, if the problem reappears, please let me know (along
with any additional information you can provide about the
circumstances that led to the problem reappearing) and we can continue
to narrow down the possible causes.
Best regards,
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