Hello mel1479~
According to the Australian Museum Fish Site,
?Most sources believe that the fastest species of fish is the
Indo-Pacific Sailfish Istiophorus platypterus. It has been clocked in
excess of 110 km/h (68 mph) over short periods.? (?What is the fastest
fish?? http://www.amonline.net.au/fishes/faq/fastest.htm )
The Guinness Book of World Record seconds this, saying ?The
cosmopolitan sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) is considered to be
the fastest species of fish over short distances, although practical
difficulties make measurements extremely difficult to secure. In a
series of speed trials carried out at the Long Key Fishing Camp,
Florida, USA, one cosmopolitan sailfish took out 91 m (300 ft) of line
in three seconds, equivalent to a velocity of 109 km/h (68 mph). By
comparison, the cheetah, the fastest land mammal over short distances,
can reach top speeds of around 96.5 km/h (60 mph).? (?Fastest Fish:?
The Istiophorus platypterus is a saltwater fish, found in the Atlantic
and Pacific oceans
Partly because it's so fast (and partly because of the fish's
migration habits), science doesn?t know a great deal about this fish.
It's currently unknown how they can swim so fast. Nonetheless, the
fish?s long, sleek body, beginning with a needle-shaped mouth, with
dorsal fins running the length of the fish?s body, must have something
to do with its ability for speed.
For several excellent pictures of Istiophorus platypterus, and more
information on the habits of this fish, see ?Sailfish? at The Florida
Museum of Natural History:
fastest fish
"Istiophorus platypterus" |