I did some research on this, and I found the flag you're looking for,
though not at the resolution you want (the few findings I did make
were rare).
I found, though, that this wasn't the standard flag used by the
Kingdom of France. Both the nautical and land flags for the Kingdom
were solid white ("le drapeau blanc" and "le pavillon blanc").
However, when the king himself was on a ship, that particular boat
would fly his personal nautical flag ("le pavillon personnel du roi").
This is the flag you're looking for.
The French Wikipedia (online encyclopedia) notes:
"En revanche le pavillon personnel du roi, indiquant sa présence sur
un navire, était blanc rempli de fleurs de lis d'or, avec au centre un
écu d'azur à trois fleurs de lis d'or surmonté d'une couronne royale,
entouré des colliers des ordres de Saint-Michel et du Saint-Esprit, et
tenu par deux anges."
Translated roughly as:
"When returning, the personal nautical flag of the king, indicating
his presence on the ship, was white, covered with golden fleurs de
lis. Centered within this was a blue shield with three golden fleurs
de lis, mounted on a royal crown, surrounded by the chains of
Saint-Michel and Saint-Esprit, and held by two angels."
If you're searching around (and are more successful than I), you may
want to take this into account.
A few of the low-res ones I found:
http://perso.wanadoo.fr/pierre.gay/PagesFra/HisMetro |