Hi gardnervillian,
Firstly, it's always wise to check into companies where you plan to do
business. Many times, they are reputable businesses, however,
sometimes there will have been complaints processed against the
company. This appears to be one those times.
Checking the Better Business Bureau for any complaints processed
against Vacation To Go, I located four different companies by that
name. I then went to the Vacation To Go website and located their
address and identified it as one of the businesses found in the BBB.
Unfortunately, this is the only one of the four which has had various
complaints against them.
Here is the information found on Vacation To Go on the Better Business
Bureau website:
Original Business Start Date: 05/01/83
Type of Entity: Travel Agency
Principal: Alan Fox, President
Phone Number: 713-974-2121
Email Address: ehankamer@vacationstogo.com
Web Site Address: www.vacationstogo.com
Membership Status: no
Type of Business: Travel Agencies & Bureaus
Closed Complaints
Number of complaints processed by the BBB in last 36 Months: 25
Number of complaints processed by the BBB in last 12 months: 14
Complaints Concerned:
Sales Issues: 1
Outcome of the complaint -
Company made good faith effort to Resolve: 1
Product Quality Issues: 1
Outcome of the complaint -
Unresolved: 1
Refund or Exchange Issues: 2
Outcome of all complaints -
Resolved: 2
Contract Issues: 4
Outcome of all complaints -
Resolved: 3
Company made good faith effort to Resolve: 1
Customer Service Issues: 11
Outcome of all complaints -
Resolved: 6
Unresolved: 1
Company made good faith effort to Resolve: 4
Credit or Billing Issues: 6
Outcome of all complaints -
Resolved: 4
Company made good faith effort to Resolve: 2
As you can see, although there were quite a few complaints on a number
of issues, most of them have either been resolved or have tried to be
Better Business Bureau
Having given you the bad news, there is some good news. There are
quite a few positive testimonials on Vacations To Go. You can read
them here:
Click on each one to read the full review.
This next site may interest you. It details the traffic for the
Vacations To Go website:
Search criteria:
testimonials OR reviews "vacationstogo"
I hope the information provided is helpful. If you have any questions
regarding my answer please don't hesitate to ask before rating it.
Best regards,
Rainbow |