Dear fullthrottle,
The brief descriptions in search engine listings are taken direct from
a site's content. A site's content (or more precisely: its source
code) is being analyzed automatically by a bot. The bot searches the
code to find out what parts will be visible text when the site is
displayed on a screen. After all, the visible text usually is the most
important element for the visior. He expects to find the search terms
the search engine delivered results for.
The Google descriptions consist of a site's tagline (the short
descriptive text in the bar at the very top of the browser), and the
first lines of visible text (unless the search terms point at various
sections of the content).
For analyzing your problem, I searched for and found one of your sites
to get an example to work with:
I then analyzed the source code and found out that, except for the
tagline, the source code lists the first parts of text to display in
this order:
- The short slogan unter the "Vancouver Language Centre" logo; in this
case, it was "Study in sunny Mexico!"
- The date
- The language change option together with the first language name
from the pull-down list
- The quotation, in this case "Teaching is the art of assisting
discovery. - Mark van Doren"
All this visible text comes before any lines referring to the site's
actual content. Since search engine bots can't decide what parts of a
text are important, the best solution to get useful descriptions of
your sites into the Google results is the following:
Put a brief paragraph at the top of each site that contains the
description you'd like to see in search engine results. This text must
appear even before (that means: above) the small slogan, the date, the
language selection field, the quotation and the Google field. Use
visble text for it! Though it is possible to make text transparent and
thus "visible" for the bot, but not for the visitor, search engine
bots often recognize this as an attempt to cheat.
That is the easiest solution to your problem. And it has the big
advantage of being very sound and reliable.
I hope that this will help!
Scriptor |