Dear Sirs, I am a coorperate safety director for a mid-sized site
development/trenching and excavateing company,(200-250 employees). I'm
contimplateing on fabricateing our own shoring systems in lew of
purchaseing a pre-manufactured system. There are several reasons for
this but theres not enough time to address all of the factors
involved. The systems I'd like
to develope would need to be easy to construct in the field and very
adaptable to varying situations in regards to soil type and depth of
the cut, existing utillites both above and below ground. OSHA's 29 CFR
1926.650, sub part "P" appendicies require that any system that an
employeer designs and builds must be done with tabulated data and
specifications drafted by a registered professional engineer and
stamped and sealed. What I need is information on sites where I may
be able to obtain this type of information. Any suggestions or
recommendations would be greatly appreciated. It really makes no
differance of what materials are used to construct the shoring
systems,(timber,aluminum, steel,ECT.).We have certified
welders/mechanics on staff. Thanks for your help in this matter. Hope
to here from you soon, Mark |