Request for Question Clarification by
17 Oct 2004 00:18 PDT
I note with pleasure that my colleague, politicalguru-ga, was able to
provide you with a comprehensive listing of banks as an Answer to the
other posted version of this question. Based on this, it appears that
your needs may have already been met.
One area that I am interested in hearing about from you as a
clarification, though, is whether you wish to limit your scope to just
banks (as defined by the relevant Banking Act or equivalent in each
country), or if you are also interested in other financial
institutions that are not defined as banks, but which are also
'popular' in the respective nations. For example, in the US, there are
many Savings & Loans/Trust Companies that operate under a different
set of rules from the banks, and quite a few of them appear in the US
portion of the list that my colleague provided. In some of the other
nations, such as Canada, there are similar categories of 'other'
financial institutions that have reasonably high levels of popularity
(which can equate to either number of accounts, or assets controlled,
depending on one's perspective).
If this is an area you wish explored, perhaps you can let us know if
there are any particular countries you would like this perspective
explored for.
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