For researchers interested in art, textiles, tapestry
Need information to locate tapestry found at this url (only one there)
The link for the Museum that owns it is at the url. The site of the
Museum has no information about this tapestry on it, and I have no
museum number or title or the like that would make it possible to
email them a question about it. I need provenance, period, and museum
no. as well as the size of the tapestry and a good photo, which
presumably the museum can provide or can provide the published source.
What I need in an answer is first the museum no. or some means of
identifying it - a title, provenance, time period or the like, second
a published source of a photo, and third the size of the tapestry. I
would email them directly, but trying to describe the object in
English when that is not their language might prove difficult and
confusing. I would imagine that there are scholarly resources that
list museum no.'s for tapestries, but I do not know them myself. At
minimum I need the information necessary to identify the specific
tapestry to the Museum so that I can ask them about it. What I would
like to have is also confirmation that that Museum does have it and
whether or not it has been published - information on that
publication. I would be very happy also to have the measurements of
the tapestry. |
Clarification of Question by
16 Oct 2004 11:13 PDT
Yes, good idea - I have done that, and I may yet hear something that
way. However, the reason the museum no. is key is that it is ranks as
the name of the object. In the case of pieces where the artist is
known and/or a title of the piece is known - the museum no. is a
scholarly piece of info of little importance. But in this case, there
is no artist known, no title, no provence that is certain and not even
a period that has been established. The only name is that museum no.
So without it, what the person I email would have to have in their
visual memory is all of the tapestries possessed by the museum and
recognize this one. Perhaps I will be lucky and get that knowledgeable
a human - more likely not if the holdings of the museum are large.
Also this museum is now focused on current works and the one I am
interested in is not, and may even be a rare example in its holdings.
Curators come and go, and one is unlikely to get answering an email
one of the level who knows the holdings like the back of their hand. I
have background in art history - but the period is far away from this
and hence I do not know the scholarly sources. That plus the fact that
my focus was on language- ancient Near Eastern, and I am no longer in
the field - make it difficult for me to find the resource for the
museum no. I would need to spend a day in a good library for the
purpose or know someone to ask. I already tried that too - asked an
artist I know who uses tapestries as inspiration and has loads of
published sournces but I didn't get the answer. Maybe she will come
across something and I will get the answer that way.
So my question is a bit ahead of the game - I might get the answer in
the manner you suggest, but I doubt it. So since I haven't tried out
this service before and I really want this answer without spending an
entire day in the library search, I went ahead and asked.
Bit long but hope that covers it.