Approximately 71.
Gender: Uncertain
Military Branch: Army, Air Force
Position: 1 Force Commander, 10 United Nations Military Observers &
60 personnel involved with maintaining/operating two
Hercules aircraft during the genocide(1).
download Volume 36, find article titled ?United Nations Assistance Mission
in Rwanda UNAMIR? (Op Lance), by Lieutenant (N) M.P. Cornect (J6 Ops
desk officer for Rwanda from 1993 to 1994).
?material was derived from numerous articles, situation reports and
after action reports ? generated by Canadian Military Personnel
involved with UNAMIR?
For a general history of the conflict:
UN reference:
(a distinction needs to be made between the UN?s ?authorised? troop
levels and the numbers actually deployed)
Canada?s contribution:
refer to UNOMUR & UNAMIR
Commenter Notes:
The question as posed is open to interpretation on the meaning of the
terms ?UN peacekeeper? and ?genocide in rwanda?.
The answer given relies on the common usage of the term ?UN
peacekeeper? as being the actual military personnel involved,
excluding civilian (police, doctors etc) who may otherwise lay claim
to the title. This is in accordance with the accepted usage and
definition of peacekeeper provided by the UN in its glossary of terms,
?peace-keeper: peace-keeping soldier [strictly speaking
'peace-keepers' can include civilian staff (whereas 'peace-keeping
soldiers' doesn't); in practice however, the term usually refers to
the military component of a peace-keeping operation]?.
From here:
For the second term the period of time selected to describe ?genocide
in rwanda? is from the 6th April 1994 (assassination of President
Juvénal Habyarimana) to the 18th July 1994 (cease-fire declared by
Rwandan Patriotic Front). In context these dates are the pivotal
points marking the beginning and end, of wholesale slaughter.
Kind regards,
gfmaster |