Hi I am new graduate in the VLSI field.I have knowledge of VCS and
verilog.I want online source for learning to develop Perl Script for
the regression environment for functional verification of my RTL
design to .I want to parse my test vectors through my verilog code,
sort and save them in a file and compare it with a golden model and
save the results .My RTL simulation platform is VCS and OS is UNIX. |
Request for Question Clarification by
17 Oct 2004 05:35 PDT
Hi, arpitshah-ga:
Please help me to understand your Question more clearly. As I read it
the overall request is:
"I want online source for learning to develop Perl Script for
the regression environment for functional verification of my RTL
design to."
From the surrounding text it appears you intend to use VCS, a verilog
simulator from Synopsys, to perform functional verification. As
"regression test harness" you plan to develop some Perl scripts to
automate this task.
Here are the steps you've outlined:
1. "I want to parse my test vectors through my verilog code,..."
2. "...sort and save them in a file..."
3. "...and compare it with a golden model and save the results."
The list price you've offered is consistent with an Answer that
provides a single URL or brief paragraph, possibly a sentence.
Multiple part Questions normally begin at $50 and up.
If this is a single part Question, my guess would be you want an
online tutorial that covers this sort of design change/testing cycle.
I or another Researcher will be happy to provide such an Answer, but
it would be nice to confirm your expectations, e.g. that you are
primarily interested in the Unix scripting "glue" that will pull
together the various tools available from Synopsys:
[Synopsys VCS Datasheet]
regards, mathtalk-ga
Clarification of Question by
17 Oct 2004 11:10 PDT
I got the url you sent me but i already had that,i just splitted my
question in order to give a better understand,its not a multiple
querry question.
Puttin my question in one line it is
"I want to learn how to develop perl scripts for functional verification of ASICS."
Request for Question Clarification by
17 Oct 2004 14:28 PDT
Hi, arpitshah-ga:
I realize that if you are using VCS you are quite familiar with that
site. However the current version of the Synopsys "adds testbench
features to VCS" that provide "a more complete verification
environment". The consideration is whether you'd be working against
these new automated solver/assertion checking/analysis reporting
tools, or against a more "primitive" dc_shell interface.
There is a history of third party (largely freeware) tools meant to
allow Perl scripting to invoke the dc_shell and other Synopsis tool
shell interfaces, going back to something called dc_perl that was
implemented back in 1997 by Steve Golson:
[dc_perl: Enhancing dc_shell using a Perl wrapper]
The current package of this kind appears to be Jeff Solomon's SPP:
[SPP (Synopsys Plus Perl)]
[SPP Frequently Asked Questions]
[SPP manpage]
Now these are technical/software resources that supplement the
Synopsys bundle, but to find you an appropriate online tutorial or
sample Perl code repository, I think we need to know which approach
you plan to take (or if you are looking for advice about the best
approach to use a Perl harness, one way or the other).
regards, mathtalk-ga