How can I display footnotes, created in page one of a document,
at the bootom of page two instead of at the bottom of page one? I do
not want to display them at the end of the document in a separate
page. That would be an "end note" instead of a "foot note" and I
already know how to do that. Thank you. |
Request for Question Clarification by
17 Oct 2004 10:20 PDT
Hi bigben1,
You could cut/copy the footnotes and move them to page two.
Moving or Copying a Footnote or Endnote:
"You don't have to delete a footnote or endnote first if you want to
move it to a different position - you can just cut and paste (or drag
and drop) it. Similarly, if you want to repeat the foot/endnote later
in the text, you can copy and paste it. Provided you have used
automatic numbering, the footnotes or endnotes will be correctly
renumbered and the entries re-ordered.
1. Select the reference number in the text by dragging over it
2. Click on the [Cut] toolbar button or press <Ctrl x>
3. Move the insertion point to the new position
4. Click on [Paste] or press <Ctrl v>
Alternatively, having selected the reference number (step 1), point
the mouse cursor into the selected area then hold down the mouse
button and drag the number to its new position.
TO COPY A FOOT/ENDNOTE, carry out the steps as above but use [Copy]
instead of [Cut] in step 2. Each time you [Paste] the note, a new
reference number appears but the text is the same in the note itself.
Tip: You can also cut/copy/paste footnotes or endnotes by first
selecting the reference number then right clicking on the selection
with the mouse. A shortcut menu appears allowing you to Cut or Copy.
Right click where you want the footnote or endnote to appear and
choose Paste."
Please let me know if this is a suitable solution.
Clarification of Question by
17 Oct 2004 11:13 PDT
Thanks. You said
"You could cut/copy the footnotes and move them to page two."
I tried that, but I can only copy, not cut (not eliminate the footnote
that appears at the bottom of page one). I want to keep the little
number one where it is in the body of the text of page one. But I want
the actual footnote to appear ONLY in page two.
Request for Question Clarification by
17 Oct 2004 11:28 PDT
Hi bigben1,
After you paste the footnote on page 2, you should be able to delete
the footnote on page 1 (just the note, not the reference to it). Let
me know how that goes!
Clarification of Question by
17 Oct 2004 11:41 PDT
I did that now, but I still see the little number one and the line
that separates text from footnotes in page 1. Can I get rid of that?
Clarification of Question by
17 Oct 2004 11:54 PDT
High Hummer. I just sent you a clarification saying I wanted to get
rid of the line and the little number. I was able to take away the
number but the line is still there. Thanks
Request for Question Clarification by
17 Oct 2004 11:56 PDT
Ok, I'm not ready to give up yet.
While you're on page 1, in Normal view, click on the down arrow of the
Footnotes button. Select Footnote Separator.
Highlight/select the separator.
Click Delete.
Highlight and delete the little number.
Sorry, I don't at the moment, have a document that I can test this on.
Clarification of Question by
17 Oct 2004 12:11 PDT
we seem to be getting there
you say:
While you're on page 1, in Normal view, click on the down arrow of the
Footnotes button. Select Footnote Separator.Highlight/select the separator.
Click Delete.
Which is the "footnotes button" where i can click on the down arrow?
Request for Question Clarification by
17 Oct 2004 12:13 PDT
What version of Word are you using?
Clarification of Question by
17 Oct 2004 12:15 PDT
OK I found it--it's done. Thanks very much