Hi carolboose,
Thank you for your question.
I performed an extensive search on Temari Schools and Teachers and
found one teacher who lives in Springfield, Illinois at the Temari
Tutors/Teachers Database
Looking for a real live human teacher of Temari?
"This list is offered as an informal database of folks interested in
teaching Temari (teaching is used loosley, as there are folks here
that don't feel they are "teachers" but are happy to help beginners
get going) in their locales. In the tradition of Temari we are all
students, but then again that does not say that students can't help
other students. Please note that this list is for contact purposes
only - it is up to each individual as to whether they are interested
in doing private lessons, small groups or larger classes, and if there
is a charge or not. Individual teachers set their own terms of rates
and payment if there is a tuition charge. Contact the persons listed
here directly using the listed info."
This is the only contact listed for Illinois:
Sandy E
Email: corasande@cs.com
Springfield Illinois USA
Please view the page for teachers in other states.
Open University - Virginia Tech
TEMARI Center for Asian and Pacific Arts
P O Box 12185
Honolulu, Hawaii 96828
Phone/Fax: (808) 536-4566
E-mail: temari@temaricenter.com
Location: 1754 Lusitana Street
How to Get Started Making Temari
"... or if you'd like, you can have a private Temari mentor from the
discussion group (again, drop me a note to request one)."
Email: gthompson@temarikai.com
Talk Temari Temari Crafters' Discussion/Email List
See image at bottom of page to join the Discussion Group - you'll
enter your email address. It's a part of Yahoo Groups. If you're not
a member of any Yahoo Group, it's fairly easy to sign up and be able
to access the site.
I am currently on the site page right now... viewing messages.
Members are enthusiasts of Japanese Temari, embroidered thread-wound
balls. This is a traditional folk art of Japan. The group shares ideas
& help in making, collecting and displaying Temari, also about their
history & tradition.
The Member's Guide to TalkTemari will guide you through the process.
"If you are having difficulty with any function or benefit pelase do
not hesitate to email me if I can help. Thank you - and Enjoy!"
Email: gthompson@temarikai.com
*I joined the group and received this email*
"Welcome to Talk Temari! Thanks for joining and I look forward to
getting to know you.
Joining the Talk Temari discussion group leads to a lot more fun than
just an email chat.
Please take a moment to review the Join In pages on TemariKai.com (the
parent site for this group) to check out things like the Swap and Sell
Page, Local Gatherings that folks have had grand times at, the Temari
Makers' List (which I invite you be listed on) and the Temari
Teacher's List (also invite you to be listed if you are teaching
temari). Please be sure to review the TalkTemari Members Guide at
You can also find out about the Great International Temari Swap. It's
also important for you to join the TemariKai News announcment list on
Topica since advertising or self-promotion (including web site
changes) is not encouraged on TalkTemari - there are too many of us
that if we all "annuounced" stuff there it would be a lot of clutter.
TemariKai News will keep you updated on all the things going on with
the website as well as related temari news and info.
If you are a beginner we can match you up with an email mentor to help
you along if you are more comfortable working one-on-one than posting
to the group with questions for a bit. This is not meant to be a
private tutor, but just someone to help you through the little things
as you work through the learning books.
You will find a tremendous amount of information on TemariKai.com - a
lot of which has been compiled from the accumulated years of
discussion on TalkTemari. Please take some time to review the pages
available in the Help and How section of Temarikai.com so that if you
run into a question or problem you have an idea of what waits for you
on the website to help (you can also search Temarikai - sue the blue
search button in the menu list). You are very welcome to post any
question or problem or thought to the list - since each time we
revisit a concept we usually turn up more ideas - but you might get a
quick and easy answer to what you need on the temarikai.com site.
The Resources section contains a lot of supporting information about
threads, where to get supplies and books etc - mostly all mailorder or
online order. The Inspiration section has lots of related ideas to
keep your creative juices flowing.
The Talk Temari homepage on Yahoo Groups also offers benefits like
File Sharing to post photos, add links and so forth. You will find
help files under each heading to help you along with using these
services. Please check in with them even if you are an experienced
user to see how they work in TT. I encourage you to use a personal
website to share your temari experiences or images and add a link in
the Links File, or to set up a Digital Photo Album on Webshots.com and
add a link to your album in that listing. Please note that we don't
(or try not to) use the Photos section of Talk Temari since we are a
large group and trying to conserve our archive space....if you are
going to post images in the TT space please use the Files section as
described on the group's page and files.
I strongly urge you to go to the Database section of TalkTemari and
add your name and email address there so that group members can "find"
you - the members listing is rather confusing since it lists your
Yahoo ID, not your "human name" - if you want to be able to contact
and be contacted by other list members (important for the GITS!) you
need to do this.
And - lastly, as a new member your email address is moderated at the
start, meaning that I have to release your posts to the group since we
unfortunately have been hit with spammers joining and posting explicit
porn to the list. As soon as I see that you are not one of these
hackers your email is released from moderation and you have full
posting privvies - I'm sorry for having to do this but this is how the
world is going right now.
Please enjoy, and don't hesitate to contact me at
gthompson@temarikai.com if I can help out with anything or you have
any questions or problems.
Thanks and have fun!
Ginny T"
Talk Temari - Temari Crafters' Discussion/Email List
Photo Essay - Watch a Temari be Made (3 pages)
While this is not meant to be a detailed tutorial (some of those will
come later) - here is a photo essay of a Temari being made, start to
finish. Enjoy!
This photo essay also functions as a photo tutorial on how to work a
C8 division. Continue through the pages and follow along as you do
TemariKai How To Contents
Information for Making Temari
Temari Patterns
Pattern Contents
Temari Resources Contents
Temari: How to Make Japanese Thread Balls by Diana Vandervoort
"It would also be good for someone who knows a moderate amount
already, as it has some advanced skills."
The Craft of Temari by Mary Wood
"Beginner or more experienced, this is by far the most useful and
inspirational English language Temari book"
More advanced - The Temari Book: Techniques & Patterns for Making
Japanese Thread Balls by Anna Diamond
The New Temari Video is here to accompany Best-selling Beginner Book,
Temari: How to Make Japanese Thread Balls.
Temari Ball Exhibition - Browse dozens of our favorite thread balls;
look, learn, get inspired!
Click on images for a larger view and details.
Temari Tips and Tricks
Temari Measuring Tips
Wrapping Mari - Hints and Tips
Temari 101
(Bottom of Page: Progress to next step - Simple-8 Divisions)
Best regards,
tlspiegel |