askyu --
The term you are looking for is "plantigrade." Here is a complete
explanation from the University of Michigan Department of Zoology:
"1. One way to increase stride length is to run on the tips of the
toes. We recognize three basic patterns.
"Plantigrade species are those that place the full length of their
foot, including podials and metapodials, on the ground during each
stride. Humans and bears are examples.
"Digitigrade species walk with most of the length of their digits, but
not the soles of their feet, in contact with the ground. Dogs and cats
are examples.
"Unguligrade species walk on their tiptoes, often on hooves. Deer and
horses are examples.
University if Michigan: Animal Diversity (about halfway down the page)
Additional Information:
Use this simple Google search to get more information about
"plantigrade" species, if you are interested in pursuing this
zoological distinction further:
Search Strategy:
I used the following Google search to find the information for you:
digitigrade humans
I am confident that this information is exactly what you were seeking
with your very specific question, and I am happy to have been able to
provide it to you promptly.
If anything is unclear, please ask for clarification before rating the answer.
markj-ga |