Hi addictedtofiction,
Thank you for your very interesting question.
The name of the song is "The Nothing Song" (Njosnavelin) and the
artist is Sigur Ros.
sigur rós frequently asked questions
"where can i get that song from vanilla sky? ("the nothing song")
the song at the end of vanilla sky (on the roof of the skyscraper) is
called njósnavélin (a.k.a. the nothing song) and is the 4th track on
the 2002 album, ( ). the song had not been recorded in a studio when
vanilla sky (2001) was made, so the recording you hear in the movie is
from a concert (the roskilde festival in denmark, june 2000). you can
download live mp3's and videos of this song on the download pages."
MovieMusic - Vanilla Sky
I've been searching for a damn long time for the song where Tom Cruise
jumps off the building, and the song as he's falling. The soundtrack
bites, why wouldn't they put it on? Anyways, for those who want it,
the song is from Sigur Ros called "The Nothing Song."
Great soundtrack. I am, however, at my wits end as to why these music
people did not include the dreamy, inspirational song played right at
the end of the film when they are on the roof. Love that damn
song....... why oh ..... why is it not on the soundtrack
My absolute favorite music from the movie is not included on the
soundtrack, Untitled #4 (a.k.a. Njosnavelin or The Nothing Song) by
Sigur Ros - this is the music that is playing at the end of the movie
when David jumps off the skyscraper.
"Untitled #4" (a.k.a. Njosnavelin or The Nothing Song) from the
Vanilla Sky movie can be downloaded at the above link also!
untitled #4 (a.k.a. njósnavélin / the nothing song)
from the 2002 album ( )
mp3 format (6:57 minutes | 8.1 megabytes)
download link:
From Vanilla Sky
"There's a song on Vanilla Sky that I desperatly want but I don't know
what it's called or who it's by..
It plays near the end, where Tom Cruise is on top of the skyscraper -
before the jump.
I heard it might be 'Nothing Song' by Sigur Ros, but I'm not sure."
"I watched the movie again last night (after watching the original
"Abre los ojos") and was also moved by the song that was played in the
scene on the roof.
Today I searched a bit on the internet, and yes : it is "The nothing
song" (=Njosnavelin) by Sigur Ros.
You can find it on the most recent Sigur Ros-album "( )" (track nr.4)."
Vanilla Sky -
1) Radiohead - Everything In It's Right Place,
2) Mint Royale - From Rusholme With Love,
3) Paul McCartney - Vanilla Sky,
4) Red House Painters - Have You Forgotten,
5) REM - All The Right Friends,
6) Looper - My Robot,
7) John Coltrane - My Favorite Things,
8) The Impressions - Keep On Pushing,
9) Looper - Mondo 77,
10) Josh Rouse - Directions,
11) Creeper Lagoon - Wrecking Ball,
12) Peter Gabriel - Solsbury Hill,
13) Juliana Gianni - I Fall Apart,
14) Jeff Buckley - Last Goodbye,
15) Sigur Ros - Svefn-g-Englar,
16) Spacecraft - Earthtime Tapestry,
17) Theivery Corporation - Indra,
18) Sigur Ros - Agetis Byrjun,
19) Lefifield/Afrika Barbaera - Africa Shox,
20) Chemical Brothers - Loops Of Fury,
21) Underworld - Rez,
22) Two Sandwiches Short Of A Lunchbox - Too Good To Be Strange,
23) REM - Sweetness Follows,
24) Bob Dylan - Fourth Time Around,
25) Joan Osborne - One Of Us,
26) Radiohead - I Might Be Wrong,
27) U2 - Wild Honey,
28) Bobby Holmes - Jingle Bell Rock,
29) Monkees - Porpoise Song,
30) It's Slinky - TV Commercial,
31) The Five Americans - Western Union,
32) Rollings Stones - Heaven,
33) Todd Rundgren - Can We Still Be Friends,
34) Beach Boys - Good Vibrations,
35) Elmer Bernstein - Summer's End (To Kill A Mockingbird),
36) Sinead O'Connor - The Healing Room,
37) Sigur Ros - The Nothing Song (Njosnavelin),
38) Freur - Doot Doot,
39) Chemical Brothers - Where Do I Begin,
40) Spiritualized - Ladies And Gentleman We Are Floating In Space,
41) Nancy Wilson - Elevator Beat.
Best regards,
tlspiegel |