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Question on first name
Category: Family and Home > Families Asked by: mlfolk_wa-ga List Price: $5.00 |
20 Oct 2004 21:13 PDT
Expires: 19 Nov 2004 20:13 PST Question ID: 417888 |
I have seen first names where the official name and nickname are different. such as: william and bill, christopher and chris, etc. Is it usually the case for someone with a first name bill or chris to have official name of william or christopher? is it uncommon to have bill or chris both as the nick name and the official name? I am asking because a friend is thinking of naming his son either bill or chris, but does not want to have the nick name and official name different. thanks |
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Re: Question on first name
Answered By: juggler-ga on 20 Oct 2004 22:31 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hello. "Is it usually the case for someone with a first name bill or chris to have official name of william or christopher?" Yes, that is usually the case. "Is it uncommon to have bill or chris both as the nick name and the official name?" Relatively speaking, yes. For the 1990s, for example, U.S. Social Security registrations indicate that 9587 boys received the official name "William" while only 58 boys received the official name "Bill" (i.e., a ratio of 165 to 1). 16421 boys were named "Christopher" while just 220 were officially "Chris." (i.e., a ratio of 75 to 1). See: Social Security Administration: Most Popular Names http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/babynames/1999/top1000of90s.html WILLIAM - 9587 BILLY - 514 WILLIE - 496 WILL - 125 BILL - 58 CHRISTOPHER - 16421 CHRIS - 220 source: Social Security Administration: Most Popular Names - 1990s http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/babynames/1999/top1000of90s.html Interestingly, it seems that receiving the nickname as the official name seems to be much LESS common today than it was 40 years ago. In the 1950s, there were lot more boys officially named "Bill" and "Chris" than there are now. WILLIAM - 30141 BILL - 1245 (i.e., a ratio of 24 to 1). CHRISTOPHER - 4032 CHRIS - 1327 (i.e., a ratio of 3 to 1). source: Social Security Administration: Most Popular Names - 1950s http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/babynames/1999/top1000of50s.html ---------- search strategy: common names "social security" I hope this helps. | |
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Re: Question on first name
From: whyisitso-ga on 20 Oct 2004 22:46 PDT |
juggler-ga came up with pretty much the exact same answer that I was typing when the question was locked. Here's what I had, because I hate wasting it: ------ I think your question can be answered by examining the listings of names compiled by the Social Security Administration and comparing the numbers of full names and nicknames. Here is an example, using the SSA's list of most popular baby names in the 1990s. http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/babynames/1999/top1000of90s.html There were a total of 10780 people named William, Billy, Willie, Will, and Bill. William - 9587 Billy - 514 Willie - 496 Will - 125 Bill - 58 Out of the total, 89% were officially named William. The results are even more extreme with Christopher. Christopher - 16421 Kristopher - 655 Chris - 220 Kristofer - 122 Cristopher - 110 If you count the alternate spellings as all "official," they make up 99% of the total 17528. This shows that only 11% of the people with nicknames for William have them as their official names. This is even more rare with the Christopher names, at 1%. Of course, it should be noted that I did not include less common nicknames, ones which people often do not associate with the full names (e.g. Liam for William, Topher for Christopher). ---------- As I said, it's pretty much the same, though juggler-ga included the 1950s data (which I think is very interesting) and I included the alternate Christopher spellings. Of course, there is still no way to know for sure what names these people go by. If most of the Williams go by William and not a shortened form, then it would be possible that the 'Bill/Bill's outnumber the 'William/Bill's, but I doubt that this is the case. One last personal note. My wife's given name is Elizabeth, but she goes by Liz. She absolutely hates Elizabeth and often wishes Liz was her legal name (or that she had been named something less common to begin with). I would guess that this is the case with most people who choose to use a shortened form of their name. If your friend plans on calling his son Bill, it would probably make things easier for the son if that was his legal name. |
Re: Question on first name
From: probonopublico-ga on 21 Oct 2004 00:24 PDT |
My mother was christened Elizabeth Ann but in later life she was always known as Betty. She told the story of working at one place where they already had an Elizabeth so she was dubbed Betty and the new name stuck. Yesterday I met a woman with a very young baby girl, called George. Yes George, not Georgina. She said that it was because she had been born on St George's Day. Dunno what George will think of that when she's old enough to care! |
Re: Question on first name
From: grthumongous-ga on 21 Oct 2004 02:10 PDT |
Maybe George will be drawn to a boy named Sue. |
Re: Question on first name
From: nelson-ga on 21 Oct 2004 03:47 PDT |
Convince your friend to use the full name as the official name, lest your friend's child be thought a hick. I once addressed as "William" a guy who had introduced himself as "Billy". He did not seem to understand that this was his full name. He looked quite puzzled. |
Re: Question on first name
From: frde-ga on 21 Oct 2004 08:09 PDT |
I totally agree, giving a kid a 'naff' name is a cruel trick. As is giving them an absurdly pompous name. They are future adults, not race horses or pedigree poodles. |
Re: Question on first name
From: pinkfreud-ga on 21 Oct 2004 14:02 PDT |
One nice thing about giving the more formal version as a legal name is that it may enable a wider choice of nicknames in the future. My late brother's name was Robert. As he grew older, he decided that he did not want to be called 'Bob' or 'Bobby'. He flirted with 'Rob' for a while, but in the end he chose to use the full form of the name Robert. When I remember my brother, I always think 'Robert', not 'Bob'. |
Re: Question on first name
From: nelson-ga on 25 Oct 2004 03:59 PDT |
One should be careful to use one's full name on all travel an other legal documents. If William uses Bill on his plane ticket, he's just being stupid. |
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