I have a home wireless network consisting of a DSL modem, a Linksys
Wireless-B Broadband Router, a Linksys Wireless-G Print Server with an
Epson 785 EPX printer attached, a Windows XP laptop with a 802.11g
card, and a Macintosh Lombard (Bronze) Powerbook with an
Orinoco wireless card running OS 10.2.8. I was able to setup both
computers so that they have wireless broadband internet access. I was
also able to configure the Windows XP laptop to print wirelessly.
However, the Powerbook apparently cannot find the print server or the
printer attached to it.
I have seen no evidence that the Powerbook can even see the print
server, since when it goes out to find and display the list of
connected devices, it comes up with nothing.
Linksys disclaims all knowledge of Macs when I call them. This is in
spite of the fact that my Powerbook works fine with their router to
surf the internet. Also, I have
seen mentions on other websites of Mac owners who are able to print
wirelessly from their Powerbooks using a similar hardware setup to
what I've described. I just don't understand how they were able to do this.
How do I configure my setup so that I can print wirelessly from my
Powerbook? Please give very detailed, step-by-step instructions.
Thanks. |