Hello Carl,
From the comment above, it would appear that machine translation still
has a ways to go before maturing as a technology.
As for your article, the original was a letter from Philippe Haustete
published in Newsweek (International) on July 12, 2004 -- I don't know
why the Japanese site has a date of 9/15.
I cannot reproduce the letter in its entirety, due to copyright, but
here are some excerpts to give you the heart of it:
Newsweek International
Mail Call: The Death of French Cuisine?
French gastronomy is not coming to an end ("The Death of the Bistro,"
May 24). It is regenerating itself, as it has many times...This is
what is happening again right now...with French-born chef Daniel
Boulud, who has become the preferred chef of the elite. I'm amazed to
see how the...press keeps announcing the end of unrivaled French
assets like our cuisine, couture, parfumerie... while Americans
remain--both here and in the States--the biggest consumers of those
same French luxuries. Now, will we trade our family-style, noisy,
lively cafes ... for your spiritless Starbucks and tasteless
McDonald's? Non merci, ca jamais!
Philippe Haustete Paris, France
By the way, if you search for [ Philippe Haustete ] at Highbeam.com:
you can retrieve the full text of the letter for a fee of just a few dollars.
Let me know if you need any additional information.
search strategy: searched several databases for non-internet "Philippe Haustete" |