Dear Sir,
About my question,I state it by the following iterms.
What I am doing, now :
I use RMS(Rights Management Service) to protect the M.S Excel file.
And I use RMS to control the print/copy/edit ... functions of the
M.S Excel file.
Now, I want to control the rights of M.S Excel's cell.
Environment :
The version of M.S Office is MicroSoft Office 2003 (Standard)
The O,S of RMS is Windows 2003 Server
The O.S of RMS Client is Windows XP SP2
I had setted the RMS Server, and I had got the lincense of the RMS
Client from MicroSoft.
So,now,I can control the rights about the M.S Excel file.
But I want to know how to control the cell of the M.S Excel.
Example :
A1 cell is only used by User-A
A2 cell is only used by User-B
B3 cell is only used by User-C
D4 cell is only used by User-A & User-B
E3 cell is only used by User-A & User-B & User-C
Other cells can't be used by anyone
All users(User-A,B,C,D,E) must be authenticated by RMS.
I want to get some suggestions for it.
These suggestions doesn't must take a example with code,
but I wish these suggestions can include the following some iterms :
a. State the flow to let me know how to protect the cell of M.S Excel
b. State the principle about these steps(Maybe, you can give me a
reference site to know it)
c. Reference site
d. Other Resource about it
Limits :
I can only use MicroSoft C# or VB .Net to implement it.
For some reasons, I can't use any VBA code at this case.
Adam Hsu |