I believe you're thinking of George Bernard Shaw, who is purported to
have said, on his deathbed, "Well, it will be a new experience
The end came on November 2 [1950], when his fever soared to 108
degrees. The impudent, irreverent showman whose buoyant wit kept him
in the public eye for more than half a century said wryly to a bedside
visitor: "Well, it will be a new experience anyway," then lapsed into
a coma and was dead an hour later. Those present said Shaw died with a
whimsical smile on his face, "as if he had the last laugh."
from "The Browser's Book of Endings: The End of Practically Everything
and Everybody,"
by Charles Panati (Page 56)
Amazon.com: Search inside "The Browser's Book of Endings"
[NOTE: you must be a registered user of Amazon.com in order to view
the "Search Inside" page linked above.]
November 2, 1950- George Bernard Shaw dies at 94. His last words were:
"Oh well, it will be a new experience anyway."
cached copy of Dooney's Cafe
"Well it will be a new experience anyway."
George Bernard Shaw (d.1950) one hour before his death
Quoted in Jones, Clarence,
The Complete Book of Death and Dying.
New York: Harper Collins. 1997
Dorothy Garske Center: An introduction to advance directives
George Bernard Shaw
(died 1950)
Well, it will be a new experience anyway.
ClaimStar: Last Gasps IV
Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "george bernard shaw" "it will be a new experience"
I hope this is precisely the information you need. If it is not, or if
anything is unclear or incomplete, please request clarification; I'll
gladly offer further assistance before you rate my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |