<Workplace bullying.
Workplace bullying in NHS community trust: staff questionnaire survey.
British Medical Journal. Jan 23, 1999. By Lyn Quine.
Objectives: Determine the prevalence of workplace bullying in an NHS
community trust; examine the association between bullying and
occupational health outcomes; and investigate the relation between
support at work and bullying.
Method: questionnaire sent to Trust employees.
Results: 1100 employees participated (70%). 421 (38%) employees
reported experiencing one or more types of bullying in the previous
year. 460 (42%) had witnessed the bullying of others. When bullying
occurred it was most likely to be by a manager. Two thirds of the
victims of bullying had tried to take action when the bullying
occurred, but most were dissatisfied with the outcome. Staff who had
been bullied had significantly lower levels of job satisfaction (mean
10.5 (SD 2.7) v 12.2 (2.3), P [is less than] 0.001) and higher levels
of job induced stress (mean 22.5 (SD 6.1) v 16.9 (5.8), P [is less
than] 0.001), depression (8% (33) v 1% (7), P [is less than] 0.001),
anxiety (30% (125) v 9% (60), P [is less than] 0.001), and intention
to leave the job (8.5 (2.9) v 7.0 (2.7), P [is less than] 0.001).
Support at work seemed to protect people from some of the damaging
effects of bullying.
Workplace bullying in junior doctors: questionnaire survey. Lyn Quine.
Method: Anonymous questionnaire to 1000 doctors.
Results: Response rate 62%. 594 completed questionnaires were returned
and 48 were returned undelivered by the post office. Not all questions
were answered by all participants. Fifty four per cent (321) of the
participants were house officers or senior house officers, 39% (230)
registrars, 3% (18) senior registrars, and 3% (20) other junior
grades. Half were men (294 v 296) and 70% (413 v 174) were white.
Overall, 220 of the 594 junior doctors (37%) identified themselves as
having been bullied in the past year, though 486 (84%) had in fact
experienced one or more of the bullying behaviours described on the
bullying scale; 407 (69%) had witnessed the bullying of others. Black
and Asian doctors were more likely to report being bullied than white
doctors (78 (45%) v 139 (34%); ?2=6.3, df=1, n=585, P=0.01; relative
risk 1.59 (95% confidence interval 1.11 to 2.28)) and women were more
likely to report being bullied than men (43% (126) v 32% (92); ?2=7.7,
df=1, n=588, P=0.005; relative risk 1.61 (1.14 to 2.26). Reports of
bullying did not vary by job grade or age.
Grampian University Hospitals Bullying Survey 2001.
Method: Questionnaire
Results: Overall, 47% of staff reported experiencing one or more types
of bullying behaviour, and 46% had witnessed the bullying of others.
This compares with 38% experiencing bullying behaviours and 42% having
witnessed the bullying of others in a study of an NHS Community trust
(Quine 1999). The behaviours most frequently reported were 'undue
pressure to produce work' (23%), withholding necessary information'
(22%), 'shifting goalposts' (22%), and 'freezing out, ignoring or
excluding' (21%). The categories of bullying behaviour most frequently
reported were 'Isolation' (32%) and 'Destabilisation' (31%). The
occupational groups most likely to experience these behaviours were
doctors (both junior and career grade), technical staff and managers.
Males were generally more likely to experience bullying behaviours
than females (60% of males vs. 45% of females). An exception to this
was junior doctors, where females were more likely to experience
A 2002 study by Noreen Tehrani found that three in five people have
witnessed bullying at work in the past two years. One in 10 sufferers
show symptoms similar to those of post-traumatic stress disorder.
(Bullying rife in Britain?s ?caring? jobs. Ben Summerskill. Observer.
May 12, 2002.)
Of the 167 care professionals surveyed, 40 per cent say they have been
bullied, with managers being the perpetrators half the time and
non-managers or peers in a third of cases.
Of the 67 care professionals who say they have been bullied, 44 per
cent have some degree of post-traumatic stress disorder. The study
also found that women were bullied more frequently than men.
(Occupational Health 01 July 20.)
A survey of workplace bullying of psychiatric trainees in the West
Midlands. Imthiaz A. Hoosen. Rhiannon Callaghan.
A postal survey to find the prevalence of bullying behaviour
experienced by psychiatric trainees in the West Midlands. 232 junior
doctors were surveyed. Response rate was 76%.
In the preceding year, 47% of trainees had experienced one or more
bullying behaviours. Only 46% reported that they knew whom to contact
if they were bullied. Foreign doctors were significantly less likely
to take action when bullied than local doctors.
Based on the personal stories of midwives, this book exposes the
bullying culture which permeates every level of the NHS. Bullying
behaviours between peers and across the supervisory hierarchy are
explored, and the harmful effects of bullying are discussed.
Bullying Culture. By Ruth Hadikin, Muriel O?Drisco. Books for
Midwives. September 27, 2000. ISBN 0750652012
Nursesarebullied.org reports actual cases of bullying in the NHS.
Occupational stress in consultants in accident and emergency medicine:
a national survey of levels of stress at work.
R. Burbeck, S. Coomber, S.M. Robinson and C.Todd.
Objective: Assess levels of occupational stress in UK accident and
emergency consultants.
Method: Postal survey.
Results: 371 valid respondents (78%). 154 (44.4%) had GHQ-12 scores
over the threshold for distress (higher than found in other studies of
doctors). Levels of depression as measured by the SCL-D at 18% (n=63)
- slightly higher than other groups. Thirty four (10%) reported
suicidal ideation. Women had significantly higher SCL-D scores than
men (U=6604, p<0.01). Respondents were highly satisfied with A&E as a
specialty. Protective factors found in other occupational groups did
not apply. Only one demographic or work related factor; number of
hours reportedly worked during previous week by respondents in full
time posts (median=57, interquartile range=57), significantly
correlated with either stress outcome measure (GHQ-12 scores) (
=0.126, p<0.03). Logistic regression modelling revealed "being
overstretched" (OR=1.18), "effect of hours (OR=0.82) and stress
(OR=1.58) on family life", and "lack of recognition" (OR=1.32) were
significant predictors of GHQ identified caseness, while "the effect
of stress on family life" (OR=1.53), low prestige of specialty
(OR=1.20), and "dealing with management" (OR=1.28) predicted SCL-D
scores. (Source: EMJ Online).
This article discusses the results of the above study. Hours worked by
full time consultants were significantly associated with scores for
stress. They had worked an average of 55 hours in the NHS the previous
week, but the reported tally ranged from 15 to 168 hours. And part
time consultants said they had worked between 8 and 117 hours the
preceding week. Each year lost of a consultant?s working life costs
the NHS £30,000. (Emergency medical doctors top stress league. British
Medical Association.)
A survey of stress in psychiatrists working in Wessex.
This questionnaire based study found:
The top 10 situations ranked as most stressful (table 1) and least
stressful (table 2).
Negative and positive coping strategies and emotional responses to
stress. Life changes in response to stress.
Comparison of stress, coping response and physical symptons in various
subgroups (see table 3.).
Occupational stress among senior hospital doctors.
This study was carried out in six hospitals in Wales.
The outcomes of the first study indicated relatively high levels of
morbidity. In response to these findings a second phase study was
carried out to identify potential contributory factors within the
client hospital. Both quantitative measures, via the Occupational
Stress Indicator, a validated measure to indicate areas within
organisations which might be problematic, and a qualitative study to
explore potential factors in depth were carried out. For further
information contact Steffi Williams, Director of Research and
Qualifications. Email: info@chl.wales.nhs.uk
Major study reveals upward trend in quality of NHS working lives.
This survey of 30,000 NHS staff in London was carried out between 2000 and 2002.
Suicide rates for doctors and nurses.
According to information compiled from parliamentary questions and
information supplied by the British Medical Association and the UK
Central Council for Nursing and Midwifery, the average suicide rate
for registered doctors was 0.135 per thousand, almost twice the
national average of 0.07 per thousand.
The average suicide rate for registered nurses was 0.11, over one and
½ times the national average. The national suicide rate for women is
significantly lower than that for men (0.03). As over 90% of nurses
are female, this would suggest that the comparative figure for
registered nurses could be as much as 4 times the national rate.
Quine L (1998) Effects of stress in an NHS trust: a study Nursing
Standard. 13, 03, 36-41.
This study of staff in an NHS trust tests two established models of
occupational stress. Payne (1979) suggested that support at work can
help to neutralise the strain of work demands, while Karasek (1979)
suggested that staff whose jobs are characterised by high demands and
low control are at greater risk of poor psychological wellbeing and
ill health. Support is found for both models, and it is suggested that
the two could usefully be combined.
A study by City University identifies characteristics of ?fit? and
?unfit?managers to help address the stresss some managers experience
in NHS hospital trusts.
The research showed that, under similar environments, some managers
reported lower levels of stress. These ?fit? managers displayed
similar traits, including:
1. Being a ?people-person?
2. Having access to a trustworthy, supportive line manager
3. Being aware of hazards and stress symptoms in the workplace
4. Being aware of their own stress symptoms and limits of tolerance
5. Being realistic about what can and cannot be achieved
6. Taking action to control and manage the risks to his/her health in
the workplace.
So-called ?unfit? managers also displayed similarities, including:
1. A denial of stress-related symptoms
2. A lack of support from their line manager
3. Accountability without authority, or a perceived low control level
4. Interpreting the managerial contract literally, that is working as
many hours as it takes to complete tasks
5. Setting no boundaries on workloads, with a lack of home/life balance
6. Having unrealistic expectations of themselves as a manager
7. Being particularly angered by organisational issues.
Occupational Stress and Job Satisfaction in Mental Health Nursing.
Steve Cottrell July 2000.
In this survey workload and working relationships were found to be
major stressors for community mental health nurses.
Stress Among Ward Sisters and Charge Nurses.
This site lists the key findings of the report.
Staff Stress In NHS Trusts: Problems and Solutions.
Dr. Carol Borrill
Stressors, moderators and stress outcomes: findings from the All-Wales
Community Mental Health Nurse Study.
Workplace stress in nursing: a literature review.
Work-related stress among junior doctors. July 1998.
A summary of the findings is given here. (Source: BMA Health Policy
and Economic Research Unit)
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