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Alternatives to war
Category: Relationships and Society > Politics Asked by: marthajames-ga List Price: $2.00 |
28 Oct 2004 08:31 PDT
Expires: 27 Nov 2004 07:31 PST Question ID: 421213 |
I'm looking for a simple but comprehensive list of alternatives to war. Is there any project that maintains a catalogue or database of all the alternatives that have ever been suggested? Ideally with brief comments about the pros / cons / applicability / feasibility of each. I'm surprised that I get ZERO results when I type the following search phrases into Google: "catalogue of alternatives to war"; "database of alternatives to war"; "table of alternatives to war"; "summary of alternatives to war"; "overview of alternatives to war". The search phrase "list of alternatives to war" yields only 6 results. None of them looking like a serious attempt to maintain a definitive list. Searching on "alternatives to war", however, yields so much stuff that I don't know where to begin. |
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There is no answer at this time. |
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Re: Alternatives to war
From: probonopublico-ga on 28 Oct 2004 11:05 PDT |
The 19th Century 'alternative' were Trade Treaties that defined spheres of interest with cartels, etc. The 'alternative' to war in the 1930's was the Appeasement Policy adopted by Britain which tried to buy off Nazi territorial ambitions with Treaty proposals and loans. Since WW2, the 'alternative' to war has been the availability of overwhelming force and the Nuclear Deterrent, as practised by the USA since WW2, allied to 'Dollar Diplomacy'. |
Re: Alternatives to war
From: timespacette-ga on 28 Oct 2004 14:35 PDT |
I will be watching this question to see if anyone finds such a thing . . . it's a great question, thanks This site: http://www.unitedforpeace.org/ has a search function on the 'groups' button for finding peace and justice groups; it seems very well catalogued, but I know that isn't exactly what you're looking for. It seems our utter lack of creativity has resulted in using the 'last resort' sooner than necessary. |
Re: Alternatives to war
From: toughlover-ga on 28 Oct 2004 16:49 PDT |
Great utterance Probono. You were so clever to "answer" this unclarified question" It would be like asking: what is the alternative to sergery. One would first need to know (clarify) what the ailment is. If the sergery is to remove an ingested needle that is heading for a vital organ, the alternative may be death. If the sergery is to reduce ones obesity, the alternitive may be to stop "PIGGING-OUT". I would ask that same question if I were a "peacnick"(one who wants no war at any cont). Being a "Tough-lover", I would ask Martha James: What was God's altrenative to war against the devil when he was sitting at the right hand of God in Heaven? So you see Martha, sometimes there are no alternatives, especially if we are fighting for PEACE... |
Re: Alternatives to war
From: timespacette-ga on 28 Oct 2004 22:23 PDT |
toughlover, here you are again .... ! I always find it fascinating that, right down through human history, that so much blood has been spilled in the name of the Prince of Peace. What part of 'blessed are the peacemakers' do you not understand? |
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