Looking for a quantity of 10 to 100 pieces of a high speed analog to
digital converter. TC1200 from TelAsic (a Raytheon, MILCOM joint
venture), We're trying to find out who else may have bought them, and
if they have spares in stock that they may be willing to sell.
It appears Raytheon may have bought some as well as ourselves, need to
find out who else may have bought them, or who in Raytheon might be
able to check their stock. The Raytheon group originally involved was
the Advanced Products Group which appears to have been part of the
Electronics Systems business in El Segundo, CA. The Raytheon group in
El Segundo, CA now is the Space and Airborne Systems business. I'm
trying to contact them now, but don't know who would be in charge of
inventory items.
Have asked TelAsic for info, but they haven't been very helpful.
Have tried the some parts brokers, but with no success. |