Hi Dori,
SURBL stands for "Spam URI Realtime Blocklists". You can find a
website providing in depth information on them here:
- SURBL : Spam URI Realtime Blocklists
From the Website:
"SURBLs differ from most other RBLs in that they're used to detect
spam based on message body URIs (usually web sites). Unlike most other
RBLs, SURBLs are not used to block spam senders. Instead they allow
you to block messages that have spam domains which occur in message
The Different Block Lists:
- URIBL_SBL : This refers to the the Spamhaus Block List, which is a
realtime database of IP addresses of verified spam sources (including
spammers, spam gangs and spam support services), maintained by the
Spamhaus Project team and supplied as a free service. For more
information, check out the project website:
- The SpamHaus Project
The website also provides you with the means to lookup and remove your
IP from the SBL list.
Information on the other block lists that you mentioned can be found at:
- SURBL : Lists
From the website:
- URIBL_SC_SURBL : This list contains domains and a few web site IP
addresses processed from SpamCop URI reports, also known as
"spamvertised" sites.
Removal Method: If a legitimate domain is listed in this list, you
need to send an email to "whitelist at surbl dot org" [NOTE: remove
spaces, replace 'at' with '@', and 'dot' with '.'] so they can be
removed. You will need to provide the original message with full
headers and an explanation of why the domain should not be listed.
- URIBL_WS_SURBL : This list mainly has entries from three
SpamAssassin rulesets: Bill Stearns' sa-blacklist, BigEvil.cf from
Chris Santerre and his SARE cohorts, and Paul Barbeau's MidEvil.cf.
Removal Method: To get entries removed from Chris Santerre's list,
Removal instructions for Bill Stearns list can be
found at the bottom of the following webpage:
- URIBL_PH_SURBL: The list contains hand confirmed IP's and URL's
that have been and are being used in the body of emails containing
phishing attacks.
Removal Method: Report false positives on the ph list to:
"postmaster at corp.mailsecurity.net.au" [Remove spaces, replace 'at'
with @]. Be sure to include supporting reasons explaining why the
domain should not be listed.
- URIBL_OB_SURBL: This list contains a list of spamvertised sites
provided by OutBlaze (http://www.outblaze.com).
Removal Method: Report false positives found in ob.surbl.org to
"postmaster at outblaze dot com"[NOTE: remove spaces, replace 'at'
with '@', and 'dot' with '.']. Be sure to include supporting reasons
explaining why the domain should not be listed.
- URIBL_AB_SURBL : This list contains the top 400 or so spamvertised
sites provided by AbuseButler (http://www.abusebutler.com/).
Removal method: Send a removal request to "whitelist at surbl dot
org".[NOTE: remove spaces, replace 'at' with '@', and 'dot' with '.']
Hope this helps.
If you need any clarifications, just ask!
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