"Tal vez" is a combination of the word "tal," meaning "such," and
"vez," meaning "time" or "instance."
According to (www.diccionarios.com), "tal" comes from the Latin word
"tale," or "talis as a University of Notre Dame Latin dictionary
(http://www.nd.edu/~archives/latgramm.htm) spells it. It means "such."
"Vez" is from the Latin "vice." The Notre Dame dictionary
cross-references "vice" to "vicis" and provides this definition:
"vicis (genit. , nom. not found); [change, interchange, alternation];
'per vices', [alternately, reciprocally]; [recompense, retaliation;
the vicissitude of fate, lot, destiny; one's place, office, duty];
'vicem, vice, in vicem, ad vicem', [in place of, instead of, like]."
I hope this is the information you need.
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