Hi! Thanks for the question.
I was able to find the following money saving tips for you.
?Distinguish between Wants and Needs: You will save a ton of money if
you don't mistake wants for needs. Needs are pretty simple to
identify--those items that are necessary to sustain: Shelter, food,
clothing, transportation. Wants are those things that enhance or
possibly improve our family life.?
?Try before you Buy: This goes a long way in helping to avoid the
silly purchases of things you rarely or never use. Before you buy
something, especially items with big price tags, borrow one, rent one
or try one out before you plunk down the cash.?
?Tips on Saving Money?
Paying Cash Instead of Credit Card ? ?This will help you from making a
purchase unless you actually have money available.?
Bring your own lunch ? saves money by not purchasing food at restaurants.
Make calls during off-peak hours ? ?These hours may vary depending on
the service, but many cell phone companies offer unlimited calls
during nights and weekends.?
Clip coupons ? ?Many stores will offer to double the amount of your
coupon up to a certain amount.?
Refinance ? ?Mortgage rates have been extremely low over the past
year.? (This will save on your monthly payments)
Insurance bundling ? ?Many insurance companies will offer their
customer lower rates if they purchase multiple insurance policies.?
?Practical Money Saving Tips?
Use a piggy bank ? ?You can make this a special fund for vacations,
gift purchases, family trips, or savings account. But you will be
surprised how quickly this money adds up.?
Visit the library ? ?The library is a great resource and it is FREE.
You can get books on every subject imaginable?
Payroll Savings Plan ? ?Join an employer's payroll savings plan. This
is the easiest way to save because what you don't see, you won't spend
or miss.?
Plant Vegetables ? ?If your house has enough land (you don't need a
lot) plant a vegetable garden and look around for
neighbors/friends/relatives with whom you can swap vegetables (or
other food) and obtain gardening advice.?
Raise chickens - ?If you have enough room on your land, keep some
hens. Eggs can be swapped for vegetables or fruit, or even money.?
?Budgeting on a Low Income - Food Tips?
Use a Price Book ? ?By creating and maintain a price book you are
better able to track sales. Tracking sales allows you to know where
and when you need to shop in order to make the most of your monthly
food allotment.?
?When I come across a good sale while doing my shopping, I can look in
my price book and see what the best price I have gotten on this item
is and when it was, as well as where it was. I can then buy or leave
it, accordingly.?
?Save Money Using a Price Book?
Make Art Supplies at Home ? ?You can purchase many of them at the
store, but why not save some money and teach your child how to be even
more creative by making their own supplies??
?Save Money Making Homemade Art Supplies?
During a Sale do not stock up but buy within reason ? ?If it's a
really good bargain, I stock up. But, do you know when "stocking up"
can actually cost you money? Maybe it's when you realize you just
bought enough toothpaste to last through the next two generations of
your family! Not only will your children's children be using the same
brand, but you've got an appointment with the bank loan officer in the
morning to arrange for a new addition to your home! (You need
somewhere to store it, don't you?)?
?If It's On Sale, Should I Stock Up??
Plan Your Meals ? ?By cooking ahead, I was able to begin buying
commonly used items in bulk. I was also planning my menus ahead of
time. Just the planning ahead and bulk buying saves a lot of money.?
?This method also eliminates waste, and because I don?t go to the
store nearly as often as I used to, it also cuts down on those
expensive impulse buys at the market.?
?Easier Cooking for Easier Living?
Energy Saving Tips
Turn Down the thermostat - ?For every degree you lower your heat in
the 60-degree to 70-degree range, you'll save up to 5% on heating
costs. Wear warm clothing and set your thermostat to 68 degrees or
lower during the day and evening, health permitting.?
Don?t waste energy ? Turn off or unplug electric appliances when not in use.
?Winter time energy-saving tips?
Have Flexible Savings Accounts - ?The simplest way to think of it is
as a savings account. Your employer sets up the plan. Once a year you
are allowed to enroll. There are two types. One is for child care
expenses and the other is for uninsured medical expenses.?
?But why would you want to go through all that? Simply because the
money that you contribute to an FSA is excluded from your federal
income tax.?
?The Dollar Stretcher: Flexible Spending Accounts?
Search terms used:
Saving tips
I hope these links would help you in your research. Before rating this
answer, please ask for a clarification if you have a question or if
you would need further information.
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Clarification of Answer by
01 Nov 2004 01:14 PST
Hi again!
These are the places you can find people who want to save some cash.
1. Coupon Websites - You can get discounts to online or brick and
mortar shops by printing coupons from these sites.
2. Forums About Money Savings - You can meet people and discuss about
their money saving tips and concerns as well.
ex. http://www.savingadvice.com/forums/index.php?styleid=7
3. Personal Finance Magazines - These types of magazines are
frequently visited by people for savings tips so you might want to
give them a second look as well.
"Money Magazines and Newsletters"
4. Freebies or Samples Websites - You can also reach savers by
advertising at websites that provide links to freebies or free product
samples online.
Ex. http://www.samples.com/
5. Rebate Sites - Some companies provide rebates online so these will
be valuable resources to savers as well.
ex. http://www.rebateshq.com/clients/parago/rebates/index.jsp
6. Flea Markets - People can also get good prices of goods in flea markets.
By clicking on the city, you can have addresses for some flea markets in Georgia.
Flea Market Guide
7. Garage Sales ? Another great way to find cheap merchandise are in
garage sales.
Garage Sales Posted
8. Online Barter Trade ? You can find people online who would want to
barter or exchange products for services or vice versa. In this way no
or very little cash outlay is necessary.
Ex. Barter It Online
9. Discount Pharmacies ? People who have medical needs could also go
to discount drug pharmacies to save some money.
Directory of Discount Pharmacies
10. Libraries ? Just like in the saver?s tips answer I provided above,
people who want to save on reading materials usually go to libraries
You can locate libraries in Georgia or in any other sites by using the
next website.
NCES Public Library Search
11. Government Auctions - ?If you're in the market for a house or a
car, you may want to add a federal government auction to your list of
places to visit.?
?Most of the real estate and merchandise has been seized from someone
because of drug trafficking, money laundering, import violations or
some other illegal activity -- or it was forfeited for nonpayment of
?Government auctions: Someone's forfeiture can be your gain?
12. Scholarship Search websites ? These websites are visited by
students or parents who would want to save on tuition and other fees
for college.
Fast Web
College Net
13. Thrift Shops ? These are shops that sell second hand goods to
benefit charities.
?Save At Secondhand Stores?
Ex. http://atlanta-ga.addresses.com/city/used,+surplus+and+vintage/atlanta-georgia-ga-241.html
14. Free Software ? Since most people nowadays have computers but
still original software still isn?t cheap, some good alternatives are
still out there and they are completely free. You can still have the
best computing experience without breaking the bank
Get some essential free software (Office Suites, Anti Virus) at Tucows
15. Travel Deals Forums ? You can hook up with people in these forums
who are looking for good travel deals to get more savings from that
dream vacation.
USA Today Travel Forum
Travel Hunters
I hope these would be of help.