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Looking for A Particular Girl
Category: Relationships and Society > Relationships Asked by: bkaufmann-ga List Price: $2.00 |
03 Nov 2004 20:55 PST
Expires: 03 Dec 2004 20:55 PST Question ID: 424185 |
I have tried the personals websites, the dating websites, but they are just not what I am looking for. I am looking to date someone who is from a very affluent and prominent family. I am looking to find a way to meet classy girls that come from a very wealthy and sophisticated family. Having said that, I know they are not posted online anywhere. How can I find them? thank you. - brandon |
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Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: silver777-ga on 03 Nov 2004 21:50 PST |
Hi BK, You don't find them, you create the environment for the chicks to come to you. Act as if you have already won her heart. Employ your butler to approach Bill Gates with a business transaction on your behalf. When Mr Gates rejects such a preposterous idea, your butler will inform him that you are the fiance' to Cindy Crawford, Linda Lovelace, Jennifer Hawkins or any choice of your desire. Then have your butler personally deliver an invitation to said target to meet with you over dinner. In clinching the blind dinner date, remember that your butler of employ has dropped the appropriate name. Should she agree to a meeting, her interest will be therefore based upon the shallowness of potential sharing or fleecing of profit. You can then decide if your business venture is real, or play it down as a maybe. Either way, you can always say that you had dinner with Cindy, Linda or Jennifer. :) |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: probonopublico-ga on 03 Nov 2004 21:50 PST |
I have two such daughters ... I also have a shotgun ... |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: daytrader_7__6-ga on 04 Nov 2004 04:40 PST |
Love will make you happier than money. |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: paullieannakeats-ga on 04 Nov 2004 07:43 PST |
Hmm, whereabouts do you live? What sort of social scene is there? For example, are there fundraisers that you could attend (you know, the $100 a plate kind). Art galleries/openings are also good places to meet fancier people. I would say if you want high class ladies, check out the local arts scene :-) |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: timespacette-ga on 04 Nov 2004 07:55 PST |
"I am looking to date someone who is from a very affluent and prominent family. I am looking to find a way to meet classy girls that come from a very wealthy and sophisticated family. Having said that . . . " Here's a good start: become a member of the non-profit organization, ESOUR or, Eliminate and Stamp Out Unnecessary Redundancy ;-) |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: pinkfreud-ga on 04 Nov 2004 10:09 PST |
Affluent women tend to be leery of suitors who appear to be after their money. Rich gals tend to date and marry rich guys. That said, my suggestion is that the best way to meet a lot of well-to-do women is to join a country club. Country clubs are awash in wealthy ladies, and if you are a member they will assume that you are one of their peers. |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: bkaufmann-ga on 04 Nov 2004 11:31 PST |
I appreciate all of the feedback. I wish to respond to all of your comments. silver777: that is quite creative, but not very honest. i am a very kind hearted guy that is looking to date a mature and wealthy girl, but i will admit, i got a chuckle from your creativity. probonopublic: haha, that was quite funny, i am not your normal guy that has bad intentions, if you really have such daughters, i would love to meet them; no harm is just meeting. daytrader: more than likely i agree with that. paullieannakeats: i live in iowa. that is a really good idea, i may explore that one as well. timespacette: maybe that would be an option :) pinkfreud: ya, i am not after the girl's money, i just want to date someone from an affluent family, i honestly only have good intentions. i belong to a country club, one small problem is that i do not want to be introduced to someone who believes they are better than everyone else in society because of their background; although i would have to accept a little of that in most situations, it becomes a slight turn-off for me; but yes that is a great idea. Thank you all who have posted so far. This is a great start. I hope I can make this happen. |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: probonopublico-ga on 04 Nov 2004 12:07 PST |
I really do have two such daughters but I was lying about the shotgun ... It is actually a Kalashnikov AK47 ... Or was that the ballet dancer? |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: daytrader_7__6-ga on 04 Nov 2004 12:42 PST |
ok, since your heart might be in the right place, I'll help. Figure out where the rich girls are and create situations where the numbers favor you. What are rich young women up to these days? I don't really know, but I might guess such things as yoga and dance classes and also social work and education courses in a university setting. Speaking of colleges, if there is a high-priced private school in your area, it is prime hunting ground. The best time of the year is when a new semester starts and people are more open to meeting strangers. There are legitimate non-stalker reasons to be on a campus as a non-student, such as visiting a library or museum. And in general, you have to be able to put forth an effort that does not make it look like you are trying too hard. The attitude has to be "I'm talking to you because it happens to be the fun thing to be doing this second" and *not* "Gee whiz, you're hot, can we go out sometime?" http://www.pickupguide.com/layguide/ http://www.e-onlinepublishing.com/chemistry/manual.pdf |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: timespacette-ga on 04 Nov 2004 15:41 PST |
seriously Brandon, seriously . . . why? is it the lifestyle you're after? if so, what's so great about it? are you looking to live a life of ease? do you realize the psychological baggage that often comes with 'particular girls' of this description? (no offense PB, I'm sure your daughters are delightful and he would do well to know either one of them ...) it never hurts to closely examine one's motives, that's all I'm sayin' |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: bkaufmann-ga on 04 Nov 2004 16:48 PST |
Probonopublico: Haha, once again, you have me laughing. But if you really do have two daughters, I am 19, may i meet one of them?? daytrader: haha, thanks again for the advice, and yes I am sincere about this. by the way, i am a daytrader myself, i manage some portfolios, including, obviously, my own, have any ideas?? timespacette: i only am looking for advice in finding, not creating a forum of debate. thank you anyway. thanks again everyone, keep posting. this is great. -brandon |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: probonopublico-ga on 04 Nov 2004 22:15 PST |
Hi, Brandon I passed on your interest to my two daughters last night and they immediately screamed 'Ye Gods!' and burst out singing: Oh, there's nothing halfway about the Iowa way to treat you when we treat you which we may not do at all. There's an Iowa kind of special chip-on-the-shoulder attitude We've never been without that we recall What makes this so remarkabale? Neither can sing a note! They confessed that they had always thought that Iowa was a musical fantasy place like Ruritania, Lichtenburg, Brigadoon. They thought I was joshing! Anyway, as you do live in Iowa (River City maybe?) then you should certainly try the 'Think System' by Harold Hill ... You will find details in the local library (Ask for Marion and mention my name) but beware ... If you're not careful you could finish up dancing all over the place. Good Luck! |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: bkaufmann-ga on 04 Nov 2004 22:43 PST |
probonopublico: i am very confused. but thanks -brandon |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: timespacette-ga on 05 Nov 2004 00:10 PST |
dear bk, I see you're a man with a mission, not to be swayed by thoughts of why. Being 19, I can only guess that it must be the hormones, but I must say you seem to have a very finely tuned and slightly more discerning hormonal drive, as apposed to, say, a more stereotypical Iowan male who might just head for the barnyard. Funny how rumors get started ... I don't even know if you're really from Iowa or not, but if you are maybe a relocation is in order. I mean how many prominent families per square mile are there in Iowa? If you are indeed a daytrader, can we assume you're a successful one? Can you afford Malibu? Neurolinguistic Programming and the Think System are both worthwhile pursuits ... I think. Well known Southern California bumper sticker: "Malibu - A Way of Life" ... just make the psychic shift, as they say in CA. There's even a Malibu Barbie doll (unfortunately not life size) carry on, ts-ga |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: probonopublico-ga on 05 Nov 2004 00:53 PST |
Hi, Brandon I can understand your confusion ... sometimes I get confused ... usually when I've had a drop too many. Anyhow, I checked with my daughters and told them of your confusion. 'Ye Gods!' they screamed, 'Just like Mayor Shinn! But if Brandon wants to meet us then we shall have to see his credentials'. So, Brandon, would you please take your credentials to Mayor Shinn right away? By the way, the mayor has a gorgeous daughter called Amaryllis ... Very talented, too. But the mayor keeps her on a very tight leash. However, if coaxed, you could probably meet her at the footbridge. Ye Gods! Good luck! |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: bkaufmann-ga on 05 Nov 2004 03:15 PST |
timespacette: well as you have stated, in an odd way, i may add, that i am not your typical iowa looking to take daddys little girl to the back 40. additionally, i am not looking for a quick hormonal fix, i am looking for a reliable relationship, but i refuse to date anymore girls who simply cannot carry an intelligent conversation with me; it really gets old. well actually there is a city in iowa called muscatine that had the wealthiest people per capita back in 1997 or something like that, but that has since changed. i am a daytrader, if you watch the markets at all, they have been tough on me to be honest, but there is always money to be made, and i am still trading, which is a good sign in itself. haha not sure if i can afford malibu quite yet. anyway, thanks again for the comment. probonopublico: haha, well i feel honored for even hearing of that option. how would brandon forward his credentials onward? brandon would only want to do this in the most appropriate manner so the mayor may consider entertaining his offer that he has now placed on the table. :) thanks again, everyone, i appreciate your feedback. -brandon |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: probonopublico-ga on 05 Nov 2004 03:41 PST |
Hi, Brandon To present your credentials, a great place to start is: http://www.endresnet.com/mmlyrics.html Please look up Marcellus Washburn at the Livery Stables, he knows the ropes. Good Luck! Bryan |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: bkaufmann-ga on 05 Nov 2004 04:20 PST |
probonopublico: just went to the site. not sure what exactly this is for. may i meet them or have you just been kidding all along? - brandon |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: probonopublico-ga on 05 Nov 2004 04:39 PST |
Hi, Brandon Meeting my two lovely daughters is going to be rather difficult because, like me, they live in the UK ... Quite a journey to and from Iowa. Shall we use my plane or yours? All the Best Bryan |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: bkaufmann-ga on 05 Nov 2004 04:51 PST |
probonopublico: i do not have a plane, the jet engines are being worked on, so we can use yours. do they use any other forms of communication over the internet that i can contact them with? -brandon |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: probonopublico-ga on 05 Nov 2004 06:31 PST |
Hi, Brandon Yes! They're both active on the Internet BUT Unfortunately, the GA rules prohibit any exchange of personal info such as email addresses. All the Best Bryan |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: camper11-ga on 10 Nov 2004 12:55 PST |
When my aunt was in her twenties, she also wanted to meet and date wealthy guys. How did she do it? She got a job at a bank. There is a lot of foot traffic so you should have a lot of women to check out and you will also have immediate access to their financial information. By the way, yes it did work for her. For several years she dated a guy who inherited a ton of money made from a local Pepsi distributor. Alas, she did not marry him, but she had a great time! |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: golem22-ga on 12 Nov 2004 17:17 PST |
HOW TO ATTRACT A SUPPIERIOR MATE 1) you must offer them something suppierior, haveing money of your own would help but it is not necessary. Who you are and what your personality is are also major points. 2) make them laugh, talk ALOT! this cant be stressed enough, you have to make them enjoy talking to you. Any girl will want to talk 10* more than a guy so you have to talk to them as much as possible. And keep the conversations interesting. A word of advice most women dont realy find cars or sports that interesting. 3) never reveal anything unflattering about yourself until you are vary comfortable with eachother, no matter how comfortable you are with eachother dont reveal any bad habits such as drinking or gambling (smoking is ok to reveal if she smokes) 4) dont push for sex even cyber sex until you know eachother a bit fairly well. She will lose respect and interest if you go to soon. 5) if hunting via email/date programs send your most flattering photos. 6) never break a promise to her. You may not believe me but i was barely scraping together a liveing and i managed to attract a young lawyer whoes family is multi millionairs. Now we are married though i must admit i dont think money has made me particularly happy i just dont have the same worries as before. Best of luck out there. Remember it all has to do with what you can offer her, you might not have money as she does so you have to offer her something else, make her believe you will make her happy and her heart is yours. |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: alex101-ga on 28 Nov 2004 13:10 PST |
Very funny stuff but I was thinking, I have two daughters who would meet your criteria but they are too young for you just now. And besides, even if they were older, I do have plenty of armament and a horrific attitude about boys near my girls. You probably couldn't get by me. Also, marrying for anything but love is doomed to failure no matter how resilient arranged marriages appear to be. Still, where could such women be found ? Expensive Colleges and Country Clubs, true. However, you might have difficulty getting in there. I would then wonder, what else do they do ? Foreign exchange programs ? Ski trips during school vacations ? If you don't travel in their circles, you'd need to be where they are. I think the best way to meet someone with high standards is to have high standards yourself (I'm going to assume for the sake of argument that you are not simply a gold digger though there are plenty of those in either gender). Make yourself someone that any woman would want to be with. Improve yourself. Make of yourself the best you can in every area. Become a person of quality and integrity, and the women will find YOU. |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: buttwiser26-ga on 11 Oct 2005 16:34 PDT |
wow! i came across this by mistake. was looking for the name of a song with a chorus like she is the girl i am looking for and this forum caught my eyes. anyway, this is very interesting. here is the same thing i actually experienced. one way to attract girls is to be a playa. girls are attract to playa. why? because they always like the guys who only looking for sex and disappeared later and then, when the nice guy come along, they will give them dirty looks or doubt like, why is this guy so nice to me. lol. maybe i talked too much. but this forum is cool. i will come back to check it often. thanks. |
Re: Looking for A Particular Girl
From: buttwiser26-ga on 11 Oct 2005 16:41 PDT |
SORRY, I meant act like one. Not to be one. Here is another interesting theory, ever experienced this? We guys, always attracted to the girls that do not like us. Its not that we were so ugly or whatever reason that we could not get a date. Sometimes, there were times where other girls who're attracted to us and we ignored them. Remember, what goes around, comes around. If you want to go out with those you like, try go out with those you dont like. Good things will happen. Trust me. I have been single for a while, good things kinda start happening when I take every girls' requests (not sex), just chat, or hang out and stuff. It is no harm to date around, as long as you be up front that you are not looking for a relationship. When the right girl come along, just keep them. ;) Thanks for reading my 2 cents opinion. |
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