I am looking for recent (2000 or later, the more recent the better)
statistics on children's (under 18) television use, broken down by
race and gender.
I need primary sources--that is, statistics taken from research
reports produced BY the research(s), rather than stats taken from
secondary sources like newspaper articles.
I am defining television use fairly broadly. The most important thing
is how many hours they spend viewing on average, in a typical day or
I am also interested in the context of their viewing-- i.e., how many
have their own televisions in their bedrooms to watch on, favorite
shows/channels for different age ranges, etc. For additional
information of this nature, I *will* tip.
Please be sure to cite your sources for me, so that I can access them myself.
Related references that I already have:
TV Basics: Time Spent Viewing ? Households
TV Basics: Time Spent Viewing ? Persons
From PBS Kids:
?Research tells us that 99% of homes in the US have a television set.
Sixty-nine percent have two or more. And, 33% have three or more!
Television is a part of our daily culture, and serves as a window to
the world for many families and young children.?
PBS Kids
3. The American Time Use Survey (only seems to deal with ages 15+)
Thank you!!! |