Hi goofball!
According to all the Google Groups postings below Jeff Sagarin is the
author of the basket ball simulation game Hoops.
Mr Sagarin's current email address is: jsagarin@attglobal.net
I obtained this information from Jeff Sagarin?s homepage.
Jeff Sagarin's Home Page
(A link to his email is provided at the bottom of the page)
Jeff Sagarin's Sports Ratings
(A link to his email is provided at the bottom of the page)
Jeff Sagarin's College Basketball Ratings
(A link to his email is provided at the bottom of the page)
Jeff Sagarin's power ratings index (at USA Today)
This USA Today page provides a link to Mr. Sagarin?s website.
About Jeff Sagarin
?Jeff Sagarin has been providing power ratings and player ratings to
USA TODAY since 1985. A mathematics graduate of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology and MBA from Indiana University in 1983,
Sagarin has applied his unique ranking system to college football,
college basketball, Major League Baseball, pro football, pro
basketball, pro hockey, volleyball, nascar, soccer and several other
Here are a number of Google Group postings discussing this game.
Jeff Sagarin wrote this game it with the help of Billy Packer
"Hoops" is a good college basketball simulation game. It has over 1400 teams
from 1940 to 1993. Plus you can get an update every year. It's a bit
expensive but most good software is expensive anyway. It was designed by Jeff
Sagarin, who does the USA Today computer rankings.
The best pure baskeball sim I've played is "Hoops." It was developed by Jeff
Sagarin, the fellow famous for his college football and basketball
power ratings, which USA Today publishes. I'm not sure is he is still
updating the game (he was a couple of years ago) but even if you get
an old version of the game, it's great for tournament replays."
(. . .)
"You should be able to contact Jeff through the USA Today Web site.?
?Computer ratings were devised by Jeff Sagarin, a 1970 Massachusetts
Institute of Technology mathematics graduate and co-author of a
computer basketball game called HOOPS.?
?The best text basketball sim ever was Hoops. It still may be available from
Jeff Sagarin, its creator. Works great out of an MS-DOS window. Not exactly
user friendly setting up seasons and tournaments, but once you understand how
that works, the game is excellent. Nothing is even close. Comes in pro and
college game.? http://groups.google.com/groups?q=%22Jeff+Sagarin%22+hoops+game&hl=en&lr=&c2coff=1&selm=364E834A.1F83077B%40ix.netcom.com&rnum=10
?For college basketball, there's nothing that compares to SOM's
pro game. I currently only own HOOPS, which I got with 1400 teams!
It uses Jeff Sagarin's power ratings to rate teams. It's great for
setting up tournaments, and letting the pc quick-play them, but is
awfully tedious to run a full season with. There are very few
options, coaching-wise. Also, players are rated in various
categories, but all that's accessible to the coach is a list of
ratings relative to the rest of the team.?
?Hoops -- a game developed by Jeff Sagarin and Billy Packer -- is the best
simulation game I know of for the IBM-PC. It's a game that's totally based
on statistics.? http://groups.google.com/groups?q=%22Jeff+Sagarin%22+hoops+game&start=10&hl=en&lr=&c2coff=1&selm=1992Jan22.175329.14053%40ux1.cso.uiuc.edu&rnum=17
Search strategy at Google Groups:
Hoops simulation game +basketball
I hope this is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |