We want to evaluate the performances of Adhoc Wireless networks and
Access Point Wireless network (or any other wireless architectures
avilable)for Group Decision Support Systems Applications.We have
choosen GroupSytems software a collection of group support tools like
GroupOutliner,vote etc.We have many other softwares in market,not
specific about the software.We need to simulate the working of these
wireless architectures for start up times,traffic loads,refesh rates
,number of people involved,data loads submiited by the the 20 or 30
members using the software in their systems and communicating with
each other and participating in a meeting.The physical setup of this
experiment is not practical.20 or 30 systems with 20 or 30
participanats entering the load using the Software ,and the wireless
architectures setup is not feasible. So the only way is to simulate
this using some software like ns-2 simulator. But I don't want to
start working from the scratch.SO do we have any experiments or
simulations done already in this context.Any simulator like ns-2 has
been used before to simulate such applications related to Group
Decision Support Systems.
Do we have already such simulation done or( do we have any such
softwares where we can perforam such experiments) so that we can
further add our
requirements to the already done work without wasting much time.So can
you please let me know the above things in detail. |