Probably the best resource for searching the published scientific
literature is the Thomson ISI "Web of Science" (see This is, however, not
a free service. Most research institutions (e.g., research
universities) have institutional subscriptions to this service through
their libraries, so if you are located at a university, this might be
available to you. The Web of Science covers nearly all the important
journals and conference publications across the entire spectrum of
science and engineering fields.
As zn833 noted, Pubmed Central does a pretty good job of covering
biomedical research publications, and it is free.
Elsevier B.V. is probably the largest for-profit publisher of
scientific journals. There is no cost to use their ScienceDirect
service to search across the entire collection of journals they
publish (see However, if you want to
see more than the abstract of a publication, you (or your institution)
will usually need a subscription to the journal that published the
There are other resources that are useful for searching for
publications in specific areas of science. It would help if you could
give some indication of the type of information you are looking for
(chemistry, physics, biomed, some sort of engineering, etc.) |