Clarification of Answer by
06 Nov 2004 06:27 PST
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly regarding the answer I posted.
The Assemblies of God is a Pentecostal denomination, and part of
Protestant Christianity.
You can see their main website here:
Currently the Assemblies of God USA and Assemblies of God
organizations around the world make up the world's largest Pentecostal
denomination with some 51 million members and adherents.
The history of the Assemblies of God churches can be seen here:
The Assemblies of God has its roots in a religious revival that began
in the late 1800's and swept into the 20th century with widespread
repetition of biblical spiritual experiences.
During that time, many Christians in the United States and other parts
of the world began to feel a need for more of God's power operating in
their lives. Individually and in groups, they began earnestly to pray
and to seek to conform their commitments and experiences to what they
believed was the New Testament pattern.
In response, the Holy Spirit came on large numbers of them, prompting
a joyous, spontaneous worship and an intense desire to spread the
gospel. As in the Bible in the Book of Acts, this experience, called
the "baptism in the Holy Spirit," was universally accompanied by
speaking in unknown languages. It was associated with the coming of
the Holy Spirit on the Jewish holiday of Pentecost (Acts 2), and
participants in the movement were called "Pentecostals."
A good overview of the Pentecostal movement -- and their relation to
other movements in Protestantism and in Christianity in general -- can
be found here:
The Pentecostal movement within Protestant Christianity places special
emphasis on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Pentecostalism is similar to
the Charismatic movement, but developed earlier and separated from the
mainstream church.
I hope that provides the information you're seeking. But please don't
rate this answer until you feel you have all the information you need.
Let me know if you need anything beyond what I've posted here, and
I'll be glad to assist you further.