Hi gracias,
Thank you for your question.
Ouch! - that must be very painful. :(
It's true that Campho-phenique is not recommended for internal use.
Please do see your doctor or dentist if the sores continue to aggravate you.
Answers provided by Google Answer Researchers are for general
information only and not to be considered for medical advice. See the
Important Disclaimer at the bottom of this page.
Orabase, a nonprescription preparation, may be applied for protection
of a sore inside the lip and on the gums.
To protect and soothe any sore and painful areas in the mouth or on
the gums, including ulcers, sore spots from dentures, and toothbrush
Here are some thing to do and NOT to do:
Yogurt will work nicely to help heal those sores.
Brush the teeth using a soft nylon bristle toothbrush. To increase the
softness of the bristles, soak the brush in hot water before brushing
and rinse brush with hot water during brushing. If the toothbrush
hurts, use a popsicle stick with gauze wrapped around it or a cotton
swab instead.
Rinse toothbrush well after use and store in a cool, dry place. Use a
nonabrasive toothpaste or a baking soda solution.
Keep lips moist with petroleum jelly or Chapstick.
Drink a LOT of water.
Maalox or Milk of Magnesia (Allow this to settle and separate, pour
the liquid off the top of the solution, and swab the pasty part onto
the sore area with a Q-tip. Rinse with water after 15-20 minutes.
Eat chilled foods and fluids (e.g., popsicles, ice cubes, frozen
yogurt, sherbet, ice cream).
Gargle with cool water.
Take pain relievers like acetaminophen (Tylenol)
***Do Not***
Use a hard, coarse toothbrush
Use commercial mouthwash preparations
Use dental floss
Use lemon or glycerine swabs
Use tobacco or alcohol
Wear loose dentures, as they can cause irritation (If mouth sores are
severe, do not use dentures.)
Eat citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, and toma- toes, or
juices of these fruits (Instead, drink apricot, pear, or peach juice
and avoid carbonated beverages.)
Eat hard or coarse foods such as hard breads, crackers, raw
vegetables, potato chips, or pretzels
Eat hot, spicy foods such as pepper, curry powder, or horseradish
Eat or drink hot beverages and foods.
Scroll to:
1. Canker sores are small and painful inside the mouth. Apply an over
the counter medicine like Orajel, Zilactin B or Orabase B
campho-phenique that will produce a bandage like film over the sore by
applying three times a day or as directed.
2. Avoid triggering foods like nuts, chocolate, acidic fruits. Avoid
trauma: like toothbrush trauma, cheek biting, etc. Avoid Sodium Lauryl
Sulfate often found in most toothpaste and tarter-control toothpaste.
3. Ask the dentist for a prescription of peridex and/or Aphthasol
4. Supplement your diet with a very high potency multi-vitamin with iron
5. If persists for more than 14 days see your dentist/doctor
Best regards,
tlspiegel |