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Birth Date: Michael J. Kelly; NY sports writer;
Category: Sports and Recreation Asked by: bluestreak-ga List Price: $6.00 |
07 Nov 2004 00:48 PST
Expires: 07 Dec 2004 00:48 PST Question ID: 425617 |
Michael J. Kelly; 1840?-1873,Jun.27; age:33; Born and died in NYC;NY sports writer; Grad. Seton Hall, NJ, & CC,NY; NY Daily News, NY Commercial Advertiser, NY Herald BB reporter for 10 yrs., dramatic critic, city ed., Albany correspondent. In 1872, accepted the office of Clerk of the Board of Assistant Aldermen for a short time. Ed. DeWitt BB Guide 1868. One of 1st to make use of box scores, & is credited with introducing the shorthand system of scoring in 1861; Editor-in-chief of Atlantic Monthly; d.congestion of the kidneys, complicated by pneumonia | |
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Re: Birth Date: Michael J. Kelly; NY sports writer;
From: omnivorous-ga on 07 Nov 2004 07:11 PST |
Bluestreak -- You're always a match for the wits of a researcher because we know that you'll already have looked in the obvious places! Being a baseball fan, this is a fascinating one: I didn't know he was at the source of baseball box scores! 1. NY Times: only his funeral listed on June 30, 1873 at the Church of St. Francis Xavier, in New York City. 2. A Google search for: "Atlantic Monthly" history Kelly turns up a more-recent Michael Kelly, who was the magazine's editor from 1999-2002 and was killed 18 months ago in Iraq: http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0908098.html I may write Atlantic Monthly and suggest that they put something of their own history online. Their editors and the controversies of the day would actually make good reading. 3. Thomson-Gale Biography Resource Center: nothing. 4. We're looking for information on box scores. That means http://www.retrosheet.org/index.html But they just report the box scores, not the philosophers behind the box scores. 5. Baseball Hall-of-Fame, Cooperstown, NY and the research library. http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/library/index.htm I thought that I'd pursue a site: search here for "box scores," inasmuch as dozens of Kellys have played major league baseball. Here's their recommendation on research requests: http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/library/research.htm My final recommendation: go after the birth certificate of Kelly. Here's how to get birth certificates before 1910 for those born in New York City. Later birth certificates are considered private in New York State but the NYC archives may have Mr. Kelly. The greater danger is that they'll have lots of Michaels or Michael J.'s in 1940: NEW YORK CITY VITAL RECORDS AT THE MUNICIPAL ARCHIVES http://www.nyc.gov/html/records/html/vitalrecords/home.shtml One last note: we know that he died in late June 1873 at age 33. I think that you could ask the archives to restrict the search to July 1, 1839 - June 26. 1840 based on his age. I wish that I was a little closer to New York City because two other lines of pursuit would be: * microfilm archives of the NY Daily News, looking for the obit (which you may have already?) * contact Seton Hall's alumni office Best regards, Omnivorous-GA |
Re: Birth Date: Michael J. Kelly; NY sports writer;
From: bluestreak-ga on 07 Nov 2004 12:00 PST |
Omnivorous, Victor of my battles past, (Clair Ruth, Tris Speaker)! So great to hear from you once more. I have tried various covert methods to sneak around NY's ever diligant keepers of their old records. NY is the most vigilant keepers of the flame. Only those who can prove they are a relative or have a fiduciary interest can apply for birth/death records/certificates. I have around 15 persons, who I could eliminate from my list if NY ever lightened up. But they consider the privacy of person long dead to be something sacrosanct. I've already looked through many databases of Ancestry.com. No luck so far. But I'm still hopeful that one of the amazing google researchers is better/luckier than I. Let me know if anything turns up! I have others! Thanks so much for looking at one of my questions! bluestreak |
Re: Birth Date: Michael J. Kelly; NY sports writer;
From: omnivorous-ga on 07 Nov 2004 13:41 PST |
Bluestreak -- I've tried one other trick. I'll report back if it works. I'm curious: he say that he invented the shorthand scoring system. Is that a reference to box scores or to the scorekeeper shorthand reference here? http://www.baseballscorecard.com/scoring.htm Best regards, O. |
Re: Birth Date: Michael J. Kelly; NY sports writer;
From: bluestreak-ga on 07 Nov 2004 15:15 PST |
Omnivorous, My research now includes a few of the early pioneers of baseball. In the 1800's, as baseball was trying to establish itself, a few newspaper men began to use the boxscore format. The boxscore had been invented by Henry Chadwick, but wasn't in wide usage throughout the country. Michael Kelly was among the first to make use of box scores, which Chadwick invented, and is credited with introducing the shorthand system of scoring in 1861. Kelly used box scores in NY. Meacham used them in Chicago. Reid used them in Philadelphia and later St. Louis. The sport of baseball owes a lot to these now obscure men, who helped spread its popularity in its early days. All these guys died pretty early in life, for some reason, compared to today. I'm trying to shine some little light on these names, for posterity. I love credit being given, even over a hundred yrs. overdue. Thanks for such an incisive question. bluestreak |
Re: Birth Date: Michael J. Kelly; NY sports writer;
From: bluestreak-ga on 17 Nov 2004 14:39 PST |
Omnivorous, Sadly, I have no addresses info. I wish I did so I could forward one to you. These guys are hard, I admit that. bluestreak |
Re: Birth Date: Michael J. Kelly; NY sports writer;
From: bluestreak-ga on 19 Nov 2004 00:08 PST |
Omnivorous, I thought I'd print the entire New York Times obituary for Michael J. Kelly. Here it is. "Michael J. Kelly, a well-known journalist, died yesterday, aged 33 yrs. of congestion of the kidneys, complicated with pneumonia. He was born in the First Ward of this City, and received a liberal education at Seton Hall, New Jersey, and the College of the City of New York. He began his newspaper career on the Daily News, when it was a morning journal, and was afterward employed on the Commercial Advertiser and Herald. He acted for the Herald, at different times, as reporter, dramatic critic, City editor, and Albany correspondent. In 1872 he accepted the office of Clerk of the board of Assistant Aldermen. While for a short time in that position, he signalized himself by making an estimate of an economical administration of that department of the City Government, by which the expenses were greatly reduced and all arnecures cut off. Mr. Kelly was much respected by all who knew him, and he was highly popular with all classes. He leaves a widow and two children to mourn his loss." (New York Times, June 28, 1873, pp. 7) bluestreak |
Re: Birth Date: Michael J. Kelly; NY sports writer;
From: omnivorous-ga on 19 Nov 2004 03:42 PST |
Bluestreak -- I went back to the July 1 report from the NY Times on the funeral and it gives us something to go on: "The Herald and Arcadian Clubs assembled at the resident of the deceased in West 57th Street, whence the funeral cortege proceeded to the church. . ." Give me a couple of days and I'll see if I can chase down the 1870 Census listing for him. Alternately, if another researcher has access to Ancestry.com, maybe they can get a birthday for Mr. Kelly from it. Best regards, Omnivorous-GA |
Re: Birth Date: Michael J. Kelly; NY sports writer;
From: omnivorous-ga on 19 Nov 2004 14:40 PST |
Bluestreak -- Today I checked AncestryPlus, a Thomson-Gale database which has the 1870 U.S. Census indexed. There was no Michael Kelly (there were 40 of them in New York City) that matched our fellow, nor an M.J. Kelly. The 1870 Census lists only the year of birth (and age), so we wouldn't get a precise birthday in any case. This wouldn't discourage someone else from checking Ancestry.com or NARA microfilms, inasmuch as I've often found great discrepancies in the indexing by AncestryPlus. Sorry that we came up empty-handed here but we both know that ruling out sources can be important in this whole process. Best regards, Omnivorous-GA |
Re: Birth Date: Michael J. Kelly; NY sports writer;
From: bluestreak-ga on 19 Nov 2004 16:53 PST |
Omnivorous, For the future, the only census which gives specific dates is the 1900 Federal census, which gives the exact year and month. Other databases which give exact dates are the Social Security Death Index, which didn't start until January 1, 1937, but doesn't really get going until the 1960's. Another one is the World War I civilian draft registration database. It only has males from 1872 to 1900. It gives only dates of birth, states of birth, and other data. But I must thank you for even bothering to look. bluestreak |
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