Dear RD Harris, (or, for the UK site) provide such a service:
Articles about Keen:
Keen Advice Via Microsoft? - J-Walk Blog , Monday, 02 December, 2002
Expert Advice Online at a Price
As far as I know, Keen is the only service of this kind, which is
fully active, and as you can see from the two articles (as well as
from my own remark in my request for clarification), I don't know
whether to recommend it or not.
Another ideas that might help you:
- To surf from your phone, if possible, and to note, when posting a
question here on GA, that you need the answer ASAP ;
- Check with your cellular phone provider: some companies (i.e.,
Orange), have an SMS-based advice centre (for a fee, of course). This
is cerntainly not what you asked for, but it might be cheaper. |