I have a memory from many years ago of watching a movie or television
show that had several images that stuck in my mind for a long time,
and I was wondering if perhaps someone can figure out just what I was
Note that these memories are perhaps 20 years old, so they may be
colored by time.
1. I recall a room of a house that was filled with childrens toys that
were eiteher on fire, or burnt. I also have the impression that the
room was on the second floor of a house. The room was like a nursery,
and I recall specifically that there was a rocking horse.
2. Another image, which I believe was also related was an image of the
exterior of the building, which was a white house in an overgrown
field. The feild was brownish in color.
3. The show or movie was in color.
This would have been on one of the basic over-the-air channels
available in Southern Rhode Island sometime in the period of
1984-1988. Its also possible that it may have been a video tape,
though I highly doubt it. It it had been a tape, I would have watched
it in 1986-1988 (I did not own a tape player until that time).
Good luck! |