Depending on how you define "office building," the estimates vary widely.
The most conservative estimate comes from preliminary data of the 2003
Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey, which gives 824,000 as
the number of buildings in the United States whose "principal building
activity" is categorized as "office":
Number of
All Buildings 4,859
Principal Building Activity
Education 386
Food Sales 226
Food Service 297
Health Care 129
Lodging 141
Mercantile 657
Office 824
Public Assembly 276
Public Order and Safety 71
Religious Worship 372
Service 622
Warehouse and Storage 597
Other 79
Vacant 182
Source: Energy Information Administration
2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey
Energy Information Administration Commercial Buildings Home Pages
Other estimates seem to be considering all commercial buildings as
"office buildings," and thus come up with much higher figures:
"According to Jordan Glazov, president of U.S. RealTel Inc. in a
KnowledgeSpace interview, there are more than 4.6 million office
buildings in the United States..."
Houston Business Journal
"In the U.S., $200 billion is spent each year to heat, cool, light and
run 95 million homes and 5 million office buildings."
MSNBC News: Tapping into other technologies
Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "million office buildings"
Google Web Search: "commercial buildings" + "census"
I hope this is helpful. If anything is unclear, please request
clarification; I'll gladly offer further assistance before you rate my
Best regards,
pinkfreud |