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Do we celebrate Jesus' birthday twice (Christmas and New Year)?
Category: Relationships and Society > Religion Asked by: tateti-ga List Price: $2.00 |
31 Dec 2005 00:32 PST
Expires: 30 Jan 2006 00:32 PST Question ID: 427489 |
Do we celebrate Jesus' birthday twice (Christmas and New Year Day)? |
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Re: Do we celebrate Jesus' birthday twice (Christmas and New Year)?
Answered By: digsalot-ga on 02 Jan 2006 16:16 PST Rated: ![]() |
Hi there The church does not celebrate Christ's "birthday" on two feasts a week apart. However, the feast on Jan.1 is closely related to the Christmas feast. So closely, that there may be some confusion for a few. The Feast Day of January 1st ( New Years Day ) is the 'Feast of the Circumcision.' It does fall within what is known as "The Octave of Christmas" - -"For it hath pleased the Fathers to appoint a holy season from the day of the Lord's birth to the day of His Circumcision" (P.L., LXXXIII, 880). Thus, the Catholic and Anglican ( along with a few others ) churches have two feasts during the Christmas Octave - Christmas Day, which begins it, and the "Feast of the Circumcision" which ends it. So, yes, both feasts celebrate the Birth of Christ but only one celebrates the "birthday" itself. If I may clarify anything, please ask. Search - Google Terms - octave of christmas - feast of circumcision CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Feast of the Circumcision http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03779a.htm - you will find a good history of the feast. Cheers Digsalot | |
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rated this answer:![]() Considering the price I am paying, the effort you made answering my question exceeded my expectations. Thank you. |
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Re: Do we celebrate Jesus' birthday twice (Christmas and New Year)?
From: nelson-ga on 02 Jan 2006 14:57 PST |
No. We do not celebrate the birth of Jesus on New Year's day. |
Re: Do we celebrate Jesus' birthday twice (Christmas and New Year)?
From: tateti-ga on 02 Jan 2006 17:27 PST |
Hi Nelson, I understand your point, but your answer has the same logic as to say that many people do not celebrate Christmas neither... My question was aimed to think about what is behind these so popular celebrations. We normally do not stop to think about that... Thank you for your comment. |
Re: Do we celebrate Jesus' birthday twice (Christmas and New Year)?
From: tateti-ga on 03 Jan 2006 01:05 PST |
I have given digsalot a 5 star rate, not because I agree with all his/her comments but because I recognize the effort made to provide a well-researched answer. My personal view is that, in a sense, we are celebrating Jesus' birthday twice, but it is also true that many people celebrate it even not a single time, because for them Christmas and New Year mean only Santa and / or presents, a new year, and that's all. |
Re: Do we celebrate Jesus' birthday twice (Christmas and New Year)?
From: pugwashjw65-ga on 03 Jan 2006 19:09 PST |
As to whether we SHOULD celebrate Jesus' birthday at all is indicated by Jesus himself. He never mentioned it, let alone ask us to celebrate it. Hw always asked that praise ALWAYS be directed to his Father in heaven, Almighty God. There is a great division here between those who believe Jesus is the son of God and separate and those who believe Jesus is God incarnate. For the moment we will stay away from that one. Simple maths indicate Jesus birthday. He was baptised..at about the age of thirty...He preached and taught for three and a half years. And he was killed on Nisan 14 [ March/April] Easter to some. Jesus was killed at age 33 1/2. Go back three and a half years from March/April and you have the months of September/October. Not December 25 or January 1. Also the shepherds were still tending their flocks in the field at that time. By December 25, in Jesus' day, the flocks would have been brought indoors to protect them from the very cold conditions experienced in Israel even to this day. And finally, Jesus DID ask us to remember his death. And that is what we SHOULD do. |
Re: Do we celebrate Jesus' birthday twice (Christmas and New Year)?
From: nelson-ga on 03 Jan 2006 23:28 PST |
pugwashjw65, I never realized you were Jewish, for who else has a month called Nisan. Any timeline of Jesus' life can only be speculative. |
Re: Do we celebrate Jesus' birthday twice (Christmas and New Year)?
From: myoarin-ga on 04 Jan 2006 05:50 PST |
Nelson, There is a Pugwashjw-ga who is a frequent commenter with bible references. The above and interesting posting seems to have a different "handwriting". Tateti, I see your point - finally - that since we count years from the presumed birth of Jesus (a calculation that was made a few hundred years into the Christian Era), we must be celebrating Jesus's birthday on New Year's Day. A fair enough argument, I will admit, but not one that relates to the Christian religious calendar and the Christian celebration of Jesus's birthday. And, as I pointed out on the duplicate question, we don't celebrate it with any Christian symbolism (excluding celebration of the Circumcision), rather more in the style of a Saturnalia. From the Free Dictionary: "1. Saturnalia The ancient Roman seven-day festival of Saturn, which began on December 17. 2. (used with a sing. verb) A celebration marked by unrestrained revelry and often licentiousness; an orgy." Note the date: also as near the winter solstice as Jan 1st. Plus Fireworks: "Fireworks: Noisemaking and fireworks on New Year's eve is believed to have originated in ancient times, when noise and fire were thought to dispel evil spirits and bring good luck. The Chinese are credited with inventing fireworks and use them to spectacular effect in their New Year's celebrations." http://www.infoplease.com/spot/newyearcelebrations.html Seems like our New Year's Eve celebrating is a lot of good old non-Christian tradition, better not even to think of its being related. Who knows, maybe the early church chose to keep the dates separate to avoid all the "carrying-on" that it couldn't supress from detracting from the solemn celebration of Christ's birth, rather as it accepts (cannot suppress) Mardi Gras before Lent, a period of repentence and fasting. Regards, Myoarin |
Re: Do we celebrate Jesus' birthday twice (Christmas and New Year)?
From: pugwashjw65-ga on 06 Jan 2006 00:03 PST |
Hi Nelson, and Myoarin, Nope, not different. Its the same old pugwash we all love to hate. As to using Nisan 14 as the day of Jesus' death, it is very specific. Knowledge of the Jewish calendar months is simply that. Good general knowledge. It does not mean I am Jewish. The Christian communities EASTER is a close approximation. NISAN (Ni´san). The postexilic name of the first Jewish lunar month of the sacred calendar, corresponding to part of March and part of April. (Ne 2:1; Es 3:7) This month, first called ?Abib,? was originally considered the seventh month and is evidently the month referred to at Genesis 8:4. At the time of the Exodus from Egypt, Jehovah assigned this month to be ?the first of the months of the year.? (Ex 12:2; 13:4; Nu 33:3) From then on, a distinction existed between a sacred calendar instituted by Jehovah and the previous secular calendar.? .The weather was often quite cool during this spring month, and in Jerusalem, fires were lit at night to provide warmth. (Joh 18:18) Snow has even fallen in Jerusalem as late as April 6, as it did in 1949. Nisan came at about the close of the rainy season, and the latter or spring rains were counted on to bring the grain to fullness prior to the harvest. (De 11:14; Ho 6:3; Jer 5:24) At this time of the year the Jordan River was normally at flood stage. (Jos 3:15; 1Ch 12:15) The barley harvest began along the coastal plains, and down in the subtropical Jordan Valley the wheat was reaching maturity. (Ru 1:22; 2:23) About this time, harvested flax on Rahab?s rooftop in Jericho provided a place for the Israelite spies to hide.?Jos 2:6; 4:19. Adjusting the Lunar Calendar. God?s command required that the Israelites offer up a sheaf of the firstfruits of their harvest on the 16th day of Nisan (Abib) and that, on the 50th day thereafter, they offer up a second grain offering. These offerings corresponded naturally with the barley and wheat harvests, respectively. This precept made essential an adjustment in the calendar of lunar months used by the Israelites. There was need to compensate for the difference of 11 1/4 days between the full solar year and the shorter lunar year. Otherwise, within the space of three years, the month of Nisan would arrive some 33 days earlier in the season and far ahead of the barley harvest. The Bible record does not specify what method was originally used by the Israelites to accomplish such coordination, but the evidence indicates that a 13th month was added every two or three years to restore the seasons to their proper position in the calendar year. It seems likely that this was determined by simple observation, relating the new moon to the vernal, or spring, equinox of the sun, which comes about March 21 of each year. If the new moon that would ordinarily mark the start of the month of Nisan (Abib) was too distant from the time of the spring equinox, then the month was counted as a 13th or intercalary month, and Nisan began with the following new moon. It was not until the fourth century C.E. that a definitely standardized calendar was adopted by the Jews. The first of Nisan?s festivals was the Passover, originally celebrated in Egypt; it came on the 14th of the month and included the sacrifice of the paschal lamb. (Ex 12:2-14; Le 23:5; De 16:1) The following day was the beginning of the week-long Festival of Unfermented Cakes, running from the 15th to the 21st of the month. On the 16th of Nisan came the offering of the firstfruits of the barley harvest.?Ex 12:15-20; 23:15; 34:18; Le 23:6-11. Lord?s Evening Meal Instituted. Over 15 centuries after the Exodus, on Nisan 14 of the year 33 C.E., Jesus gathered with his 12 apostles in Jerusalem to celebrate the last valid Passover, and then, having dismissed the traitorous Judas, he proceeded to institute the memorial of his death by means of the Lord?s Supper, or Evening Meal. (Mt 26:17-30; 1Co 11:23-25) Before Nisan 14 passed, he died as the Lamb of God. On Nisan 16, the day the priest at the temple waved the firstfruits of the barley harvest, Jesus, as the firstfruits of the resurrection, was raised up to life again.?Lu 23:54?24:7; 1Co 15:20. In obedience to Christ?s instructions, ?Keep doing this in remembrance of me,? the 14th day of Nisan continues to be observed by his followers till this day as the time for memorializing Christ?s death.?Lu 22:19, 20; |
Re: Do we celebrate Jesus' birthday twice (Christmas and New Year)?
From: myoarin-ga on 06 Jan 2006 15:13 PST |
Pug, "Its the same old pugwash we all love to hate." Wrong! Doesn't the Good Book say: "Love thy neighbor as thyself"? One of the two sermons I remember from my youth pointed out that one can only love and accept others to the extent that one loves and accepts oneself, so please don't infer that "we" love to hate Pugwash. :) Besides, it's hard to even dislike someone who enjoys sailing, and good to learn that someone wasn't misusing your name. But I better not start a theological discussion with you, just to point out that I respect your views, even if they sometimes go a bit past my understanding. The point about the flocks being out at night in your first comment was very interesting. I quite agree. The whole December 25th orientation is pretty suspect, reeks of replacing winter solstice celebrations, but I don't want to change that (just burned the candles on the Christmas tree for the last time). Cheers, Myoarin |
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