Hello again Dutch - and thank you for your message.
I used the information in this royalty newsgroup discussion:
to lead me to three volumes of French Parliamentary Archives listing
pensions paid during Louis XVI's reign, and a book by Guyot, published
between 1786 and 1788, which includes some description of the royal
household. These are all available through the Gallica section of the
French National Library website.
I hope the links I give will take you directly to the volumes you
want, but if not, there are instructions further down the page for
getting there by a slower method.
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer to read these
books. If by any chance you don't have it, it is available here free:
Parliamentary Archives Vol. 13 - Archives Parlementaires Tome XIII
Parliamentary Archives Vol. 14 - Archives Parlementaires Tome XIV
Parliamentary Archives Vol. 15 - Archives Parlementaires Tome XV
Guyot's "Traité des droits, fonctions, franchises, exemptions,
prérogatives et privilèges annexés en France à chaque dignité à chaque
office et à chaque état."
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
It is quite tedious trying to browse through the parliamentary
archives online and I would strongly recommend downloading them to
your own computer. This is the advice given in the newsgroup too. To
do this you must click on "Télécharger". You will then see a page
which offers you the book in PDF format, from the first page to the
last. Just click on "OK".
Next you will see a promise that they are preparing your document
("Votre document est en cours de préparation.") and some yellow dots
acting as a progress indicator. Eventually you will be told it's ready
for download. (" Le document que vous avez demandé est prêt.")
Click on the blue "en cliquant ici" and now comes the REALLY slow
part. It may take as much as an hour to download just one volume, even
with a broadband connection.
With Guyot's book in four volumes you may choose to download again, or
if you only want his chapter on the Queen's Household you can navigate
fairly easily online, using the table of contents shown beside the
text. Just choose volume 2, "Maison de la Reine", page 241.
If you have problems with the direct links to the books above, this is
the way to perform the initial search yourself.
Go to:
Click on "recherche" (search)
In the search box by "Mots du titre" (title), type "Archives
parlementaires " and then click on "Rechercher"
This will bring up a long list of volumes of parliamentary archives.
The volumes recommended in the newsgroup message are numbered 50, 51
and 52, even though they were originally volumes 15, 14 and 13. In
French this is Tome XV, Tome XIV and Tome XIII.
To reach them, click on the little book symbol beside the title.
For Guyot just put his name by "auteur", and "Traité des droits" for the "titre".
To see the library's troubleshooting suggestions for problems with
using the website click on "Aide" and scroll down to click on
Once you have overcome the awkwardness of accessing these materials, I
hope you will find they are rich historical resources. They seem to be
full of interesting details of palace life before the revolution.
As it says towards the end of the royalty newsgroup discussion:
"The Archives Parlementaires are a good documentary resource on the Old Regime,
as much was discussed and published in the process of reforming or destroying."
You may also want to note the way the pensions material is organised:
"On the pensions, they were published in volumes 13, 14 and 15 of the Archives
Parlementaires, sorted in 7 groups (and alphabetical within group) by size of
total pensions; there is no index, so if one is looking for a name one must
check all 7 classes."
Please let me know if I can clarify anything for you.
Enjoy the books and I hope you make many interesting discoveries!
Best Wishes - Leli
PS The payment system is automatic now I have answered. You won't need
to do anything, thank you. |