Request for Question Clarification by
08 Jan 2006 14:17 PST
It's turned out to be surprisingly difficult to come up with the
statistics you asked for.
Some very good country-by-country descriptions are available, but: (1)
they are available for most, but not all, countries on your list, and
(2) they are not necessarily in the same format for each country.
For instance, here's an excerpt from Poland:
In Poland there are 249 schools of higher education, which operate on
the basis of the Act Schools of Higher Education (including 151
non-state ones).
State higher education institutions are situated in all large cities
in Poland. Some of these cities such as Cracow or Warsaw have long
academic traditions and have created a highly valued academic
community. The following types of higher education institutions may be
distinguished in the Polish system (including non-state institutions):
Universities uniwersytet
technical universities politechnika
agricultural schools (akademia rolnicza),
schools of economics,
teacher education schools (uczelnia pedagogiczna),
medical academies (akademia medyczna),
maritime schools,
academies of physical education,
schools of arts uczelnia artystyczna
schools of theology,
non- state schools of higher education.
The highest number of students is enrolled in universities. In the
academic year 2003/04 there were around 539.6 thousand students
enrolled (including KUL ? the Catholic University of Lublin),
including nearly 282.3 thousand students in day courses.
In state technical universities - around 331.7 thousand, in
agricultural schools ? around 102.1 thousand, in teacher education
schools - around 91.9 thousand.
Other types of schools have the following enrolment: the schools of
economics - around 76.6 thousand students enrolled, medical academies
(40.9 thousand), academies of physical education (24.8 thousand),
schools of arts (13.2 thousand), maritime schools (12.1 thousand),
schools of theology (9.1 thousand). The non-state schools of higher
education cater for 524.5 thousand of students.
Comparable statistics for all of your countries (and for all countries
in the world) ARE available for enrollments in higher education, and
for many other demographics (% of population with some level of higher
education, total expenditures on higher education, and so on). But
the statistics available are different from those you asked for.
Let me know your thoughts as to whether any of this would be valuable
for your needs, or if you can only make use of the precise stats you
asked for.